Michael Minkoff
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I must admit I don’t get around much, so I didn’t even know the reliably
left-leaning Huff ’n’ Puff Post had a “Gay Voices” section. But
yesterday, I read an article from there that covered a recent petition
(with a whopping 1,500+ signatures!) that demanded that Chick-Fil-A be
consistent with their “anti-homosexual” values and stop serving
“homosexual” chicken at their restaurants. As the petition explains,
some male chickens will mount other male chickens, so Chick-Fil-A cannot
be consistent with their values until they make sure that none of the
chicken meat they are serving comes from “homosexual” chickens. Wow.
I’ve read some really, really stupid petitions in my life. But that one…
Where do you even start?
First, I’m sure this petition was meant as a sort of barbed joke, but
it falls squarely into the “Boom! How will you ever recover from the
devastation of my cleverness?!!!!” category—a category which regularly
falls far short of its intended goal. I feel bad for the people that
wrote this actually. Is this really the best they can come up with?
Second, if these people actually think Chick-Fil-A is a hate-filled,
anti-homosexual company, wouldn’t it be more consistent for Chick-Fil-A
to serve
only homosexual chickens? I mean it’s not like
Chick-Fil-A sends their chickens on luxury vacations. They kill them.
And then we eat them.
Third, why are homosexuals so obsessed with the fact that animals
intermittently commit homosexual acts? The fact is that animals really
practice homosexuality per se. It’s not like any of them are
exclusively attracted to the same sex. They just have no self-control.
They will hump pretty much anything around if they get the notion. My
dog used to hump male and female dogs, plush toys, the legs of guests,
sectional sofas… you know—
anything. He was a dog, after all. He
ate our underwear and pooped in the hallway too. I fail to see why that
matters. Animals variously engage in incest, genocide, cannibalism,
pedophilia, and other socially unacceptable behaviors. If homosexuals
want to legitimize their behavior by claiming that it is “only natural,”
what leg do they have to stand on to condemn
anything—including the so-called “intolerance” of Chick-Fil-A?
I’m frankly already very tired of this. Homosexuality is a behavior
which means it involves a choice. It isn’t like race or gender. At all.
So quit comparing it to the Civil Rights movement or Women’s Rights.
Frankly, that degrades and insults those movements. They don’t and they
didn’t involve a choice or a behavior. People don’t have to
anything to have a certain skin color. Women don’t have to act like
women to be women. They just are. A homosexual is defined by a sexual
behavior. If this doesn’t involve a choice then pretty much any person
compelled to a certain behavior could claim he didn’t have a choice
either. This would basically mean the destruction of any foundation for
laws against anything—an entirely arbitrary boundary line of ethics that
bobs with public opinion like a ship tossed on a stormy sea. Which kind
of sounds like where we are right now.