
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Imagine God’s Conversation With Obama…

Obama Presidential Seal Podium Speech SC 780x1024 Imagine Gods Conversation with Obama...
Could you imagine the conversation that God would have with Barack Obama if He came down to visit with him for a little while? As this cloud decends into the Oval Office, Obama jumps up from his desk and runs to the door thinking there’s a fire, but the door won’t open and nobody comes to help him. “Sit down, Barack”, a voice says. “Who are you?” Obama asks in a panic voiced. ” I am who you think you are Barack,” the voice in the cloud answers. “Saul Alinsky?” Obama asks slightly confused. “NO, I am who I am, the Creator of all things,” the cloud says. “Why are you here in my White House?” Obama asks. ” I have a few things I need to straighten out with you, Barack,” the voice says. “Like what?” Obama nervously inquires. ” “Ok, here goes……now pay very close attention,” the voice says.

“Do you know that I said that you shall have no other gods before me ,not even the one in your mirror, Barack?” the voice asks. “I heard something about that, but hey, a little ego goes with this job!” Obama says. “A little ego, Barack? “Anyway, there is NO exception to that first rule,” the voice thunders, “not even for you. I only ask for 10% of a person’s income no matter what their financial status in this world, so what makes you government people think that you deserve 15, 25, 30, or 40% of their income?” the voice asks.” Hey, everyone has to pay their fair share,” Obama says. “I know, Barack, that’s why I only ask for 10% from EVERYBODY,” the voice replies. “But the wealthy have so much more to give,” Obama retorts. “I know, Barack, I gave them their wealth so that they could start businesses, create jobs, make products that people need, and give to charities and foundations that actually help people in an efficient manner.” “But why should the rich get all those material things, luxury, and perks, when so many don’t have anything?” Barack asks a little heatedly.

“First of all, Barack, do you know what MY 10th Commandment says?” the voice asks. “I might have missed that one,” Barack says sheepishly. “Thou shalt NOT covet your neighbors house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his donkey, or ANYTHING that belongs to your neighbor!” the voice replied. “So what does that mean, exactly?” Obama asks. “It means, STOP the class warfare thing and in MY name, stop casting all the wealthy as evil,will you?!” the voice asked with a little irritation. “I will judge them, NOT you!”

“You don’t understand,” Obama says pleadingly to the voice, “without the government taking care of the widows and the orphans, who else will do it?” Obama asks puzzled. “I gave that job to the churches, and if you have read MY Word then you would have known that, wouldn’t you?” the voice inquires. “What about all the jobless folks out their who have no income right now?” Obama slyly asks. ” If you would get off the regulations that you have imposed on businesses and cut the corporate tax rate in this country way down, then maybe these people would have jobs and wouldn’t need your handouts!” the voice replies.
“Well, is there anything else you have for me today? After all, I am a busy man,” the President says, as he looks out the window at a beautiful Sunday morning. “Yes I do have one more thing for now, Barack; stay out of MY business in the churches, will you?” The voice scolds, “I gave the founding fathers of this country the inspiration for the First Amendment to your Constitution!” “Now is that all?” Obama asks as he puts on his golf shoes. “There is more that we need to discuss, Barack, but I have to be in churches shortly,” the voice says. “And ,oh by the way, take a LOT of golf balls today Barack; you are going to need them!” With that, the cloud departed until another day.

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