oped:Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama and John Kerry seem to miss the point...yes indeed they are the proverbial inmates running the asylum!
All of the old jokes about the French and their pusillanimity about war — you know, the “cheese eating surrender monkeys” quips — look to be a thing of the past, at least after the Paris terror attacks. Now, French authorities are taking on radical Islam, and they mean business.
A two-week campaign of raids against radical Islamist targets by French counterterrorism forces has yielded 232 arrests and 334 weapons confiscations. According to France Info (via Breitbart), 34 of those weapons were “war-grade.”
All in all, counterterrorism authorities have raided 2,235 homes and buildings in the wake of the Nov. 13 attacks. In addition to the weapons, illegal narcotics were found in 165 locations.
“In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.
Cazeneuve also said that three mosques had been closed down in the national state of emergency following the attacks. One of the mosques authorities shuttered on Wednesday after authorities discovered a 9mm handgun, a concealed hard drive, a life insurance policy and — most tellingly — documents relating to jihad.
“Operations are being carried out against hate preachers and self-proclaimed imams,” Cazeneuve told reporters, calling the measures necessary because of “Islamist radicalization.”
According to Cazaneuve, this is the first time that France has ever taken these measures against Islam, but they were necessary.
Answering critics who said that the state of national emergency could be lifted, Cazaneuve responded that “state of emergency was needed and is still required,” adding that “it is terrorism that threatens freedom today, not the state of emergency.”
Now, here’s my question: Can you ever see President Barack Obama taking decisive action like this against radical Islam?
Of course not. In fact, the president refused to even call the Paris attacks “Islamic terrorism.” When Obama can’t even identify what we’re fighting against, how can we possibly expect him to act this decisively?
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