
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Operation “American Spring” set for May 16, 2014: Target Washington, D.C.

Operation American Spring, Col Harry Riley interviewed by former Marine Pete Santilli.

Operation "American Spring" Facebook Page

Let's get TEN MILLION of us into Washington D.C. to FORCE our elected Republican and Democrat servants to restore ALL Federal usurpations, all Federal powers, all Federal spending, except the eighteen We The People granted them under Article I Section 8, and all income taxes back to our home Countries and their people; So Help US God.

George Washington, the President of The Constitutional Convention, a year after he signed The Constitution, was elated to describe our form of Government as a "CONFEDERATED GOVERNMENT". (Source: 1788 Letter to Sir Edward Newenham; Fitzpatrick 30:72)

What is the definition of "Confederated Government" as George Washington defined our Constitutional provisions for designing our Federal Government?

The definition of a "Confederated Government" is one in which an alliance of independent states creates a central government of very limited power; the members states have supreme authority over all matters except those few which have been expressly delegated to the central government.

The State of Wisconsin, with the balance of the Union following our lead, will dissolve the size, powers, scope and spending of our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Bill of Rights, before they dissolve us; N.B.C.R.; No Budget Cuts Required.

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