WWII Heroes Getting Ready to Jump in Behind Enemy Lines. Time for One More Jump!
Calling all Oath Keepers (and any other veterans) to back up our World War II veterans at the Washington DC area memorials, such as the World War II memorial, the Iwo Jima memorial, Arlington Cemetary, the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, and anywhere else that that the Honor Flights go. Go there and put yourselves under the command of the WWII vets. If they want the barricades down, they should come down, come hell or high water. No WWII vet should be denied access the the Iwo Jima memorial, the WWII memorial, or to any other memorial they want to visit. For many of them, on those Honor Flights, this will be THEIR LAST TRIP to go and pay their respects to their brothers who did not make it back. It is intolerable to let Obama block their access for his petty partisan manipulations over the govt “shutdown.”
The WWII veterans who have taken down the barricades at the Iwo Jima memorial, and have ignored them at the World War II memorial, did exactly what needs to be done. We need to help them, and protect them. Go there and be their “arms and legs” to get done WHATEVER they want done. And go there with the conviction that you are not under the command of the police, not under the command of the Park Service, and not under the command of Obama. You are under the command of the World War II veterans, and only the World War II veterans. Your mission is to assist the WWII vets in doing WHATEVER they want to do.
There are already thousands of American veterans converging on Washington DC this weekend for this very purpose. You need to be there to help them, if at all possible. If you can go, you must go.
Last year, I had the privilege of escorting WWII Airborne veteran Warren Bodecker from Montana on an Honor Flight to DC, with a plane load of other WWII veterans from Montana. It was a life changing experience to see these true American heroes make the pilgrimage to the World War II Memorial in Washington DC, knowing that for many of them it will their last trip. They stood against fascism, against arbitrary, totalitarian government over there – they defeated the foreign enemies of the Constitution. will we suffer them to be oppressed and tyrannized by fascists – by the DOMESTIC enemies of the Constitution here? Forbid it almighty God.
After returning from his Honor Flight, Warren Bodeker gave a speech where he said that he had done four combat jumps as a paratrooper in WWII, with one of them being a jump behind enemy lines to liberate the POWs at Los Banos prison camp in the Philippines, who were marked for death by the Japanese Army. He told us that he wanted to do ONE MORE JUMP BEHIND ENEMY LINES, INTO WASHINGTON DC, against the domestic enemies of our Constitution. Renn understands the reality of where we are as a country, and he is saddened and sickened by what he sees happening to the country he loves.
Like so many of his brothers, he realizes now how they had not paid enough attention to the domestic enemies of the Constitution, and he understands that unless we stand now, then all that his brothers sacrificed, all their blood, sweat, and tears, will have been for nothing. We cannot let that happen.
Let’s take a stand with them, and support them in leading the way, one last time, to show their fellow Americans what it means to be an American. Let them set the example of resistance to nonsensical, arbitrary, and illegitimate oppression. Help them set the example as they make one more “jump” behind enemy lines.
Go to DC and back them up, this weekend, next week, and as long as it takes.
For the Republic,
Stewart Rhodes
Founder of Oath Keepers
[Editor's note: All Oath Keepers who can stand up to help our Veterans in WDC are encouraged to take video cameras whenever possible and film as much as possible. Anyone with good footage is invited by Rob Dew, Infowars Production Manager, to send those videos to him at this email address:
Thank you one and all, Brothers and Sisters, for answering the call to this righteous event.
Elias Alias, editor]
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