
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Did you hear this amazing story?

It's about Special Forces combat soldier Jim West.

Even though he's now old and busted up, he STILL
can kick serious butt -- and has some NEW stuff for you
to prove it.

Frankly, certain "higher ups" did NOT want civilians
like you to see this. Well, last I checked, I've still got
First Amendment rights.

So I've made it available through a free video
Jim West has some new hand-to-hand fight instruction
that will shock and delight you.

He's definitely the right guy to teach it to you because
he's used this in real combat against a blood-thirsty
and determined enemy.

He's a 20-year U.S. Special Forces combat vet...
been stabbed in the back... stabbed in the shoulder...
had his finger half cut off (and sewed back on)...

...his face split open by shrapnel ... his right leg
busted up in 18 places... both shins shattered to bits...
both hands broken... both wrists busted... 200 stitches
in his face alone... and worse.

In one fight he even had his pinky toe completely
ripped-off his foot (had that sewed that back on too).

He's earned a half a dozen medals in the "first" Iraq
war... spent 13 years in the "black bag" arm of the
Green Berets...

...held the coveted "Whiskey 9" top secret clearance...
and trained special forces soldiers and Justice
Department agents in hand-to-hand combat.

This guy's got more deadly real world fight experience
than just about ANY other fight instructor on earth.

 See This Free Video HERE!

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