
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Why Conservatives are Wary of Romney

George Romney did not run against Reagan. I checked. He was running against Nixon when his campaign began to collapse after his “I was brainwashed in Vietnam” statement. Reagan came along later. It was Nixon he was running against. Now, I got an e-mail during the break. “Why is this intelligence business…” somebody was worried about the debates mattering so much. Somebody was just terribly concerned. I appreciate, by the way, this notion that we have to nominate somebody who can win a debate. I don’t think that’s how this election is gonna be won. This is an election about ideas, not debate skills, but I know people disagree with me. The reason people, conservatives, the reason people on our side care about this so much is very simple.

 Conservatism is an idea with multiple subsets of ideas. Conservatism requires basic speaking and communication skills to explain it and to contrast it with liberalism. In addition to that, people have to be able to complete thoughts and get those ideas across. When you are in the ideas business, you had better be able to communicate them. I would submit to most of you who think that recent Republican presidential nominees have been stupid or inarticulate, is really not what they’ve been. They haven’t been full-fledged conservative. When it’s in your heart, it pours out of you. When it’s not and you’re having to fake it, that’s gonna create pauses and insecurity, unsuredness and so forth.
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