[ https://www.oathkeepers.org ]

by: Elias Alias
Statist Heydaze: NDAA 2017
Hell, let’s draft the women
and arrest anyone we want to get rid of, because we can. We can, because
the people refuse to stop us. They are afraid to oppose us because to
oppose us places them on “lists”. Lists designate enemies of the
government. That designation qualifies one to be detained under the
NDAA. That is how it works. That is why it’s in our Congress right now.
So it appears that the government would now own women as equally as it purports to own men, and now it seems that both men and women are subject to indefinite detention without charge or jury trial. That is the final writing on the Wall. The government is declaring, without saying it in specific terms, that the government owns us all. Should that bother us?
Most intelligent beings understand that the definition of slavery includes any scenario in which something or someone external to one’s own mind, body, and soul, owns one. When something or someone owns anyone, that ownership can be, and usually is, manifest in the ability to control one. Slavery is a captive’s subjugation under the authority of an owner, one’s controller, one’s “ruler”. Always remember this — self-ownership is the opposite of slavery. When a government asserts some fictitious authority to force a citizen into service in the government’s military adventures, that government is asserting its ownership over the citizen. Again I repeat — self-ownership is the opposite of slavery.
But why am I going on about self-ownership vs government ownership of its citizens? It is because our fearless leaders in WDC are once again slipping it to the American people with the latest wax job on the NDAA. Here is the article from Activist Post, sent in to me by Kirk McKenzie of Defend Rural America. Read it and weep, and ask oneself after reading, this —
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