[ https://www.oathkeepers.org ]

It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. And that club doesn’t want you armed. (Photos: The White House)
by: David Codrea
Retired general and former CIA director David Petraeus has joined with retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal and other veterans to form “The Veterans Coalition for Common Sense,” The Guardian reports. The group is part of retired Captain Mark Kelly’s and Gabby Gifford’s “Americans for Responsible Solutions.
“This is a group of leaders who support the second amendment and who believe in the rights of responsible people, law-abiding people, to own guns,” ARS media flack Mark Prentice claims.
That’s as ridiculous as the name of both groups. Common sense does not involve citizen disarmament. Responsible solutions do not disarm the victim pool. And support for the Second Amendment does not advocate for infringements.
“War is peace, freedom is slavery [and] ignorance is strength,” Orwell wrote. With “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.
“As service members, each of us swore an oath to protect our Constitution and the homeland,” Kelly proclaimed, adding to the irony and the lie. “Gabby and I are grateful to all of these incredible veterans and leaders who are using their voice to call for commonsense change that makes our communities safer.”
See, if you’re an Oath Keeper, making your oath to the Constitution paramount, you’re a hater and extremist, if you listen to the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center. But if you’re actually betraying your oath while saying that you’re upholding it, and undermining freedom by empowering more government usurpation, the establishment hails you as a “patriot.”
Just not the kind of “patriot” who would oppose “homegrown tyranny” (and let’s start using that term). Yep, Orwell.
Petraeus, once more earning the “Betrayus” pejorative, is nothing if not a creature of the establishment. You don’t get included at the Bilderberg meeting unless the masters have big plans for you. And again in true Opposite Day fashion, as his own scandal demonstrated, we’re dealing with an intelligence chief who wouldn’t control his intelligence and a control freak who won’t control himself. So naturally, “Republican” and veteran Mark Kirk, every bit the gun-grabber as the most rabid Democrat, thinks Petraeus is qualified to be president.
The Gungrabby Gabby Group posted a list of all the military luminaries who are lending their names to the effort. By doing so, they’re disregarding the paramount importance of civilian control of the military, and presuming to overturn the Founders’ judgment about what was and is “necessary to the security of a free State.”
Sadly, outrageously, really, they join a long list of oath breakers who place personal ambition and connections, and misguided or subversive politics, over the clear proscription in the Constitution they freely pledged to support — that “the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Not too long ago, Oath Keepers posted a piece about a gun owner control-endorsing retired Marine sergeant. We’ve seen the same call from a Navy veteran, and a decorated Marine officer who saw service in WWII and in Korea. And we’ve seen a Lieutenant Colonel repeat the lie that the militia is the National Guard and call for out-and-out gun grabs.
Not to diminish their service, but it’s not out of line to remind ourselves that at one time, one of America’s greatest military heroes, who proved his battlefield courage on several occasions, was a twice-wounded former patriot by the name of Benedict Arnold. And right now, with our right to keep and bear arms under a sustained attack resembling a blood-driven feeding frenzy, it’s no time for those who freely swore the oath to be leading the charge to undermine it.
UPDATE: M. Thomas Davis, a retired Army officer who commanded an artillery unit during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm says “Strict military gun control should be our model.”
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