Yes indeed trickle~trickle~trickle the truth is slowly coming to the surface...Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was known to partake in the Gay bars and clubs in Florida according to associates who knew him... said he was definetly gay...not surprising it is a well known fact that the Taliban as well as ISIS enjoy the pleasures of the man /boy love trist...as a matter of fact before one is accepted into ISIS the candidate must submit to the leaders...I don't want to get too graphic...but they must bend over and take one for the team to prove their loyalty and or in reality pleasure the team leader! Did anyone ever wonder why the Taliban and ISIS treat women so badly? Well it's because they are considered 3rd class and are only good in order to procreate to fill the ranks of the caliphate army!
Now you are probably wondering how this relates to the Nazis of WWII...well, see:
How does this relate to why Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name is ?....well think, he has a really hard time addressing the term Radical Islamist Terrorists (He is one)...as does Hillary Clinton...both are bi-sexual...need I really say more?
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