Via Your Daily Does Of Conservatism
While Senator Harry Reid professes that he is running the Bundy cattle off of public land because it’s the right thing to do, evidence indicates that Dirty Harry might have a personal interest in seeing that the Bundy’s join the other 52 ranchers they’ve run out of business.
Parcels held by an entity, Reid Bunkerville, LLC, which is partially owned by the Nevada Senator are in close proximity to the Bundy ranch.
The parcels appear to be in the path of future development, which may even involve a freeway interchange and loop, all west of Bunkerville in the same general area as those “trespass cattle.”
The parcel numbers below link to the Clark County Assessor’s Office, with all of the pertinent information and property descriptions shown.
Reid Bunkerville L L C Dst-901 # 002-26-301-002
Reid Bunkerville L L C Dst-800 #002-26-301-004
Reid Bunkerville L L C Dst-800 #002-26-301-005
Reid Bunkerville L L C Dst-800 #002-26-701-001
Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today’s problems. “Like” him on Facebook and “Follow” him on Twitter. H.T. Before It’s News
See related blog posts:
- GOP Savages Harry Reid: ‘If at First You Don’t Succeed, Lie, Lie Again’
- BLM Texas Land Grab; Bundy Ranch Just The Beginning?
- Did the IRS give Mitt Romney’s tax returns to Harry Reid?
- Outrageous: Harry Reid Lied About Americans Being Liars, and Now That He’s Busted, He’s Lying Again
- Bundy Ranch Supporter Crushes MSNBC Host
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