I for one am fed up with all the false outrage,posturing,cowardness we see from the MSM and politicians in general. This is directed at Fox News personalities as well as GOP Senators and Representatives because they are the ones who jumped in and supported Mr. Bundy on the outset...then when the going gets tough they didn't get going they tucked tail and ran to the Progressive mantra of becoming attack dogs...this is exactly what the looney left wanted and they are damn good at it. They know the weakness of FoxNews under the leadership of Roger Eugene Ailes and Bill O'Reilly who seems to be the leader of the Pack! Bill is neither a conservative nor a liberal he is a pragmatist he serves only one God the 'Benjamin'.He will side with either party if that is the way the proverbial wind is blowing...The same seems to also apply to the GOP politicos as well!
Here is my bottom line from this day forward to the GOP candidates... do not ask me for your support nor ask me for donations to your campaign...I am sick and tired of receiving e-mails in my inbox acting like you are my friend and supporter...telling me we are winning but we need your support we do this and we do that...please send the best contribution you can so we can make a difference!
Yeah right...news flash I did not just ride in on the produce truck fresh from the fields...Tell ya what I will support ya and maybe in the future send a contribution, however only after I see you actually do something productive something that really reflects conservative values and corrects a problemo..hows that? Until then don't bother begging for money I ain't gonna send it!
Now to address the false outrage attacking Mr.Bundy for his, yes clumsy attempt to address his concerns...he said nothing different than what conservative 'African Americans' have been saying...the only difference is that Mr. Bundy is old school, a elder rancher with a limited education and training as a orator...he gave it his best shot and was attacked by people who should know better! MSM Talking heads and politicians.

I will give two examples comparing Mr.Bundy's comments to the perspective of prominent African American conservatives as you will see they are one and the same...you can do your own search to find many more examples!
via the Daily Currant dated Mar 18, 2013
Allen West Calls Obama A ‘Slavemaster’
Former Republican Congressman Allen West stoked controversy today by labeling President Obama a "slavemaster."
In a speech at a Tea Party USA convention, West claimed that Obama's "socialist welfare policies" were turning blacks and Latinos into vassals of a tyrannical federal government.
"Back in the Old South, if you were a slave, everything was provided for," West told the audience. "The master gave you your housing, your food, your job. And the slave was totally dependent.
"Now look at America today. It's the same story. Obama has taken the role of slavemaster. He's giving away food, shelter, and work to black people and creating a permanent underclass of 21st century slaves.
"If you're on welfare, you belong to the government. If you're on food stamps, you belong to the government. If you use Social Security, Medicare, student loans, or the post office, the government owns your mind, body and soul.
"And if you decide that you don't want to pay taxes to fund this slavery, then overseer (Attorney General) Eric Holder is gonna come down and whip your butt into a federal court."
Obama Unchained
West then turned his attention to immigration from Latin America, which he likened to the Atlantic slave trade.And now Obama wants to be more than just a slavemaster. He wants to be a slave trader! He's trying to bring millions of new Mexican slaves into his great big Democratic plantation.
"That's all 'immigration reform' is ladies and gentlemen. A way for Democrats to bring in more poor, darkly skinned servants into our great country to pick the white cotton of liberalism. They don't care where you come from or what language you speak, as long as you take free government money.
"Now I hope no one minds if I decide to speak for all 44 million African-Americans in the country," West then bellowed, his voice raising with anger, "but I've got something to tell President Obama.
"No we don't want affordable healthcare! No we don't want Social Security benefits. No we don't want good public schools or safe streets. We want our freedom!
"We are not slaves Obama! We are human beings! And we would rather be hungry, sick and destitute in old age than participate in any kind of government program designed to improve our lives."
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