A few FB comments:
Unfortunately this is the mindset of most politicians.
- Judy Sabatini My youngest son went in the Marines when he was 17, was in Iraq fighting in his first combat in Najaf when he was 18.
- Elizabeth Wadsworth He hasn't changed much since his college days. Bloomberg still has his head under his arm.
- Richard Kuschel My dad and I both joined up at 17and both of us spent our whole 19th years in combat - him in WW2 and me in Viet Nam.
- David Cary you have that right Hank. My 10 yr old grand son was shooting at 8 yrs and when I take my gun out to clean it he reminds me to make sure it's not loaded..Good habits start when they are young..
- Marni Major I've been reading a few of the comments, here..... ~~~ Our military men and women stand between me/my family and the evil in the world. I will never condemn our military for doing something - I myself would 'have to' do (if equipped to do so, and if need be) - if they were not the mighty, armored defenders of Freedom. I will never question the means by which they do it. I'm sure they would prefer to live in a world of 'puppy dogs and sunshine' - as the rest of us would - but we don't. Exterminating Earthly evil(s) is a 24/7/365 job..our military are under paid and over worked..they are not selfish enough to go on 'strike', throwing their guns down in protest. They walk/secure the parameters, stand their post and are on the look out for me and every other American. For every 'evil being' killed, there are hundreds, possibly thousands of 'innocent beings' saved. I find it unimaginable for someone to refer to what our military does as 'murder' or 'killing'....they are 'protectors'. Clearing out the 'riff raff' is a vital part of protecting everyone - overall. God Bless and God Speed to each and everyone of them. As for Bloomberg....that guy has as much common sense as a lamp post.....it would be nice to see some 'thought' put into what this guy says/does before he says/does it.
- Jerry Snyder I've lived this picture at age 22 in Vietnam. Try walking on patrol when it is pitch black out! doc snyder
- Norma Smith I think before someone can run for office they should have to serve in the military , that way their decisions regarding our military abd our country would at least be more weighted.
- Joseph Howarth I can tell ya about my 90 year old father spending his birthdays of 19,20,21,22 and 23 in the south pacific.
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