OpEd: Jack
Gotta loves Rusty..one funny,talented yet spot on Talking Head:)
By Rusty Humphries
TRN Nationally Syndicated Radio Host
TPNN Contributor

As America awaits the next wave of radicalism to spew out of the Oval Office, things continue to heat up all across the country. President Obama is expected to issue his royal decree today, disarming the peasants. Meanwhile, Texas has joined Wyoming in their defiance by considering a law that would make “any federal law banning semi-automatic handguns or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries.”
They’re even threatening to jail any who try to enforce the likely new federal mandates- even federal agents.
Gosh, I love Texas.
It’s a good ol’ fashioned standoff between state and federal governments and this is an issue that cuts to the bone for any lover of freedom. For decades, liberals have been calling us “paranoid.”
“Rusty, you actually think the government would just make some sweeping proclamation, denying you Second Amendment protections? That’s just tinfoil hat mumbo-jumbo.”
Well, friends, I’m sad to say that that day is here. I cannot know, exactly, what Obama intends to dictate, but I can promise that it will be unconstitutional at best and treasonous at worst.
Laws originate from Congress- the lawmaking body of our government. The president is supposed to ensure that those laws are enforced. But it smells more like a Morsi-esque power grab when the executive cuts in front of Congress to issue edicts- no matter how “common sense” he feels them to be. As the edicts will be coming from the executive branch, they are, immediately, unconstitutional.
In recent weeks, the left has tried everything to frame the argument in convenient terms. They ask, “Why would you need an ‘assault rifle’ for hunting?” But when I look to the Second Amendment, I see no discussion of hunting; I see only the bold words staring back at me, “Shall not be infringed.”
President Obama even had the gall to claim that if Republicans were as “saddened as I was by what happened in Newtown,” than we are going to have to “put politics aside” and stomp on the Second Amendment.
When he gets cornered, he pulls out the classic- “Do it for the children!”
In fact, he’s even going to announce his new gun control proclamation surrounded by children. Whether it’s for emotional effect or a human shield as he tells the country he will be unilaterally infringing upon our God-given right, I do not know. In either case, it’s despicable.
Obama is like a Great Depression-era housewife; he’ll make do with whatever he has laying around. It’s his wife’s birthday- that’s a fundraising opportunity! There’s a hurricane- you mean, “There’s a photo-op!” Children have been senselessly slaughtered- to him, that’s the opportunity to push for the disarming of Americans he’s been waiting for since that whole Fast and Furious thing went belly-up.
It’s as sickening as it is outrageous.
As sources continue to say that Obama will likely call for an “assault weapons” ban, a universal background check provision and a magazine-capacity restriction, it is doubtful that you have heard the last from me on this subject.
Texas and Wyoming have already begun the process of standing toe-to-toe with a federal government who is calmly reaching for our means of protection. I applaud them. While I respect the office of the presidency and I respect the rule of law, I respect the principles of liberty and freedom even more. To that end, I leave you with the words of Thomas Jefferson:
“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”
Gotta loves Rusty..one funny,talented yet spot on Talking Head:)
By Rusty Humphries
TRN Nationally Syndicated Radio Host
TPNN Contributor
As America awaits the next wave of radicalism to spew out of the Oval Office, things continue to heat up all across the country. President Obama is expected to issue his royal decree today, disarming the peasants. Meanwhile, Texas has joined Wyoming in their defiance by considering a law that would make “any federal law banning semi-automatic handguns or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries.”
They’re even threatening to jail any who try to enforce the likely new federal mandates- even federal agents.
Gosh, I love Texas.
It’s a good ol’ fashioned standoff between state and federal governments and this is an issue that cuts to the bone for any lover of freedom. For decades, liberals have been calling us “paranoid.”
“Rusty, you actually think the government would just make some sweeping proclamation, denying you Second Amendment protections? That’s just tinfoil hat mumbo-jumbo.”
Well, friends, I’m sad to say that that day is here. I cannot know, exactly, what Obama intends to dictate, but I can promise that it will be unconstitutional at best and treasonous at worst.
Laws originate from Congress- the lawmaking body of our government. The president is supposed to ensure that those laws are enforced. But it smells more like a Morsi-esque power grab when the executive cuts in front of Congress to issue edicts- no matter how “common sense” he feels them to be. As the edicts will be coming from the executive branch, they are, immediately, unconstitutional.
In recent weeks, the left has tried everything to frame the argument in convenient terms. They ask, “Why would you need an ‘assault rifle’ for hunting?” But when I look to the Second Amendment, I see no discussion of hunting; I see only the bold words staring back at me, “Shall not be infringed.”
President Obama even had the gall to claim that if Republicans were as “saddened as I was by what happened in Newtown,” than we are going to have to “put politics aside” and stomp on the Second Amendment.
When he gets cornered, he pulls out the classic- “Do it for the children!”
In fact, he’s even going to announce his new gun control proclamation surrounded by children. Whether it’s for emotional effect or a human shield as he tells the country he will be unilaterally infringing upon our God-given right, I do not know. In either case, it’s despicable.
Obama is like a Great Depression-era housewife; he’ll make do with whatever he has laying around. It’s his wife’s birthday- that’s a fundraising opportunity! There’s a hurricane- you mean, “There’s a photo-op!” Children have been senselessly slaughtered- to him, that’s the opportunity to push for the disarming of Americans he’s been waiting for since that whole Fast and Furious thing went belly-up.
It’s as sickening as it is outrageous.
As sources continue to say that Obama will likely call for an “assault weapons” ban, a universal background check provision and a magazine-capacity restriction, it is doubtful that you have heard the last from me on this subject.
Texas and Wyoming have already begun the process of standing toe-to-toe with a federal government who is calmly reaching for our means of protection. I applaud them. While I respect the office of the presidency and I respect the rule of law, I respect the principles of liberty and freedom even more. To that end, I leave you with the words of Thomas Jefferson:
“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”
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