By Rusty Humphries
TRN Nationally Syndicated Radio Host
TPNN Contributor

The left has lost its damned mind. I’m not trying to cast out insults or mudsling here; I’m really trying to say that some have just gone completely off the deep end with regards to this national discussion of gun control.
Sure, there are some that are willing to have a rational discussion about guns in America; but the media is being dominated by reactionary lunatics that have had me shaking my head in disbelief.
Chicago Alderman Willie Cochran has called for City Council hearings to discuss advocating the installing of GPS tracking devices on newly manufactured firearms and retrofitting all existing firearms with a GPS.
Cochran claimed that he understood that the provision would be an infringement of privacy (to say the least), but relied on the trusty mantra of the new, radicalized left by saying, “It is extremely important that we look past this privacy issue, at this point, and understand how important it is for us to address the issue of safety.”
Sure, we’ll just “look past this privacy issue.” And while we’re at it, let’s “look past” this whole “shall not be infringed” thing…
In a laughably tragic illustration of the failures of “don’t think, just sign” legislation, after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill nullifying the Second Amendment in the Empire State, people took notice of one embarrassing fact.
The Cuomo Administration was in such a hurry to capitalize on the anti-gun hysteria sweeping the nation, they apparently realized after the fact that there had been no inclusion in his sweeping gun ban of an exception for on-duty police officers. With a ban on magazines that are capable of holding more than 7 rounds, the 15-round magazines that police routinely carry put each and every one of them in firm violation of the law. And just by signing his name, Cuomo made criminals out of every police officer in the state.
Of course, this will likely be remedied quickly, but it really speaks to the level of consideration and oh-so-careful analysis this legislation was given before the rights of millions of Americans were savagely swept away with the stroke of a pen. Shame on all of them.
But the lunacy is not contained to only local and state levels. The Obama Administration has gone off the deep end as well. Not only are they content with stomping on our Constitutional rights, they have added insult to injury by lecturing us on the morality of the issue.
Joe Biden, the Ringo Starr of the executive branch, with regard to Obama’s royal gun control decrees, stated, “It is about civility in society. This is about the coarsening of our culture.”
There’s nothing as infuriating as a dimwitted politician aiding in the revocation of your constitutional rights while smugly lecturing you on the civility and nobility of doing so. I liked it better when Biden was just given a slinky and tucked away, out of sight and out of mind.
The list goes on and on. Every day, new utterings and nonsensical ramblings come out from media personalities, politicians, celebrities and various other nefarious leftists. They spew out their garbage in a fashion that makes my skin crawl with their crass, vulgar use of children and tragedy as a stepping stone to the fulfillment of their unconscionable agenda. And Americans are so desensitized to their crazy ramblings, it just goes in one ear and out the other- like a tinfoil-hat-wearing hobo preaching about the illuminati.
We have got to stop shrugging off the insane ramblings of gun-grabbers as, “Oh, that’s just Barack being Barack.” We have to remember that these are our rights, and the burden is not upon us to explain why we want to keep them- the burden is upon them to explain why they should take them.
TRN Nationally Syndicated Radio Host
TPNN Contributor
The left has lost its damned mind. I’m not trying to cast out insults or mudsling here; I’m really trying to say that some have just gone completely off the deep end with regards to this national discussion of gun control.
Sure, there are some that are willing to have a rational discussion about guns in America; but the media is being dominated by reactionary lunatics that have had me shaking my head in disbelief.
Chicago Alderman Willie Cochran has called for City Council hearings to discuss advocating the installing of GPS tracking devices on newly manufactured firearms and retrofitting all existing firearms with a GPS.
Cochran claimed that he understood that the provision would be an infringement of privacy (to say the least), but relied on the trusty mantra of the new, radicalized left by saying, “It is extremely important that we look past this privacy issue, at this point, and understand how important it is for us to address the issue of safety.”
Sure, we’ll just “look past this privacy issue.” And while we’re at it, let’s “look past” this whole “shall not be infringed” thing…
In a laughably tragic illustration of the failures of “don’t think, just sign” legislation, after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill nullifying the Second Amendment in the Empire State, people took notice of one embarrassing fact.
The Cuomo Administration was in such a hurry to capitalize on the anti-gun hysteria sweeping the nation, they apparently realized after the fact that there had been no inclusion in his sweeping gun ban of an exception for on-duty police officers. With a ban on magazines that are capable of holding more than 7 rounds, the 15-round magazines that police routinely carry put each and every one of them in firm violation of the law. And just by signing his name, Cuomo made criminals out of every police officer in the state.
Of course, this will likely be remedied quickly, but it really speaks to the level of consideration and oh-so-careful analysis this legislation was given before the rights of millions of Americans were savagely swept away with the stroke of a pen. Shame on all of them.
But the lunacy is not contained to only local and state levels. The Obama Administration has gone off the deep end as well. Not only are they content with stomping on our Constitutional rights, they have added insult to injury by lecturing us on the morality of the issue.
Joe Biden, the Ringo Starr of the executive branch, with regard to Obama’s royal gun control decrees, stated, “It is about civility in society. This is about the coarsening of our culture.”
There’s nothing as infuriating as a dimwitted politician aiding in the revocation of your constitutional rights while smugly lecturing you on the civility and nobility of doing so. I liked it better when Biden was just given a slinky and tucked away, out of sight and out of mind.
The list goes on and on. Every day, new utterings and nonsensical ramblings come out from media personalities, politicians, celebrities and various other nefarious leftists. They spew out their garbage in a fashion that makes my skin crawl with their crass, vulgar use of children and tragedy as a stepping stone to the fulfillment of their unconscionable agenda. And Americans are so desensitized to their crazy ramblings, it just goes in one ear and out the other- like a tinfoil-hat-wearing hobo preaching about the illuminati.
We have got to stop shrugging off the insane ramblings of gun-grabbers as, “Oh, that’s just Barack being Barack.” We have to remember that these are our rights, and the burden is not upon us to explain why we want to keep them- the burden is upon them to explain why they should take them.
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