With Barack Obama re-elected to the White House for four more years, half the country is wondering what we can do to limit the damage.
I actually have an answer.
In January 2011, after Republicans took over the House, I launched a campaign that now appears to be our only hope of killing off Obamacare, making Obama’s lame-duck second-term a nightmare (for him, that is) and actually moving Washington toward a return to limited constitutional government.
And all it takes to do it is the cooperation of the House Republican majority.
After Republicans took control of the House in 2010, I began thinking about what a party with control of only one house could do to challenge the president and the other house of Congress. It turns out there’s something very profound that party can do – if it has the will.
That’s where the people come in – the 50 percent of the country that rejected Obama and understands what a danger his agenda represents to America’s future.
Check out a clip from "I Want Your Money" that explains the Debt Crisis:
It’s simply a question of numbers.
Are the "other 50 percenters" really wanting a change? There’s not a doubt in my mind that House Republicans would listen if they heard from millions of us. So far, the "No More Red Ink" campaign has generated more than 1 million letters to the House Republicans – all of whom will remain in office until Jan. 21, when the new Congress sweeps in. However, most of the House Republicans in office right now will remain.
By participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign you generate letters to every single House Republican, including House Speaker John Boehner and the rest of his leadership team, that demand they vote no on raising the debt limit – something they will be asked to do very soon, probably this month.
It’s as simple as saying no.
And if the House Republicans say no, that means Washington must immediately start living within its means. There’s only one way to do that – cut, slash and burn to the tune of $1 trillion. No more borrowing. The insanity of ever-escalating debt stops cold.
Republicans have been unwilling to do this for the last two years, largely, I believe, because of timidity and media pressure.
But faced millions of letters pouring in daily to their offices, I believe they may see the light. It’s our best and only chance of saving the economy and the inevitability of national bankruptcy.
The debt limit represents a great opportunity to do an end-run around the usual Washington excuses.
After all, we’re just insisting that the borrowing stop.
Individual Americans can’t borrow their way out of problems.
U.S. businesses cannot endlessly borrow their way out of problems.
Even the 50 states don’t have the power to borrow their way out of problems.
Why should the federal government have the power to borrow endlessly without a thought for future generations?
Why should Washington be allowed to fund worthless, unconstitutional programs, departments and agencies with borrowed money?
Why should Republicans be a part of this madness when they have the absolute power to just say no?
You don’t have to march on Washington.
You can participate simply by investing less than $30 and giving us your consent. We do the rest of the work, ensuring that the messages are delivered to each and every one of the 240 Republican House office by Federal Express delivery.
Let’s just say it’s a bargain at that price. Try to imagine what it would cost you to send 240 individual letters to Republican House members if you did it yourself. We do all the work and guaranty the delivery. The "No More Red Ink" campaign has already delivered more than 1 million letters.
Imagine their reaction if we doubled that number or tripled it or quadrupled it. Could they afford not to listen?
Let me ask you this: Do you have a better idea? Have you heard any other better ideas?
Joseph Farah
Editor and Chief Executive Officer
Click here to learn more about the "No More Red Ink" campaign.
It's one of the most innovative video documentaries on what divides America on economic issues – bigger, more intrusive government vs. personal responsibility and free enterprise.
It's called "I Want Your Money" by Ray Griggs and, using sophisticated animation techniques and real-life interviews with real people, explains the divide that is fundamentally transforming America from the most productive and affluent society on the face of the earth.
Watch a clip of "I Want Your Money" below:
Think of what Michael Moore might produce if he was a clear-thinking American.
Griggs' film was released in theaters in October of 2010; while it was not well received by theater owners, cheering crowds filled the theaters that dared to show it on 500 screens across the U.S., helping stir the tide of tea party victories in the last elections.
Griggs reveals how Barack Obama clearly believes in the larger government view. In his inaugural address, he said, "Now there are some who question the scale of our ambitions – who suggest our system cannot tolerate big plans ... The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works – whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified."
The result has been rising deficits that are causing the kind of crisis those who seek to transform America fundamentally love to set the stage for radical changes.
Click here to get your own copy of the new "Director's Cut 2012" release of
"I Want Your Money," now available from WND Superstore.
"I Want Your Money" illustrates America's current plight and offers sound direction in our journey back to the America intended by its founders.
Griggs offers us a much-needed alternative to Michael Moore and the dismal image of our nation he has been spewing around the world.
How America chooses between these two views of the role of government, at this crucial juncture, will have everything to do with the future we and our children and our children’s children will enjoy.
You'll conversations with Mike Huckabee, Stephen Moore, Michael Reagan, John Stossel, Ed Meese, Star Parker and many others help tell the story of the choice between the Obama and the Reagan views of the role of the federal government in our society.
The film examines how these big government programs have been tried in the past at great moral and financial cost to the nation. California is offered as a case-in-point in understanding what economic challenges might face the nation if we choose the larger government path. Finally, "I Want Your Money" is a call to action for those who care about the future of the United States.
But seeing is believing. This is not only one of the most entertaining documentaries ever made, it is also one of the most informative. Check out the trailers to get a glimpse of what you'll see when you purchase "I Want Your Money" and share it with your friends and family members.
Click here to get your own copy of the new "Director's Cut 2012" release of
"I Want Your Money," now available from WND Superstore.
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