
On 9/12/2012, the day after Stevens & his team were murdered, the Libyan government also confirmed it was a terrorist attack, not result of a video.
The timeline for the al Qaeda attacks on Americans in Benghazi begins in June 2012—one month before the youtube video was released in July 2012. Clearly, the youtube had nothing to do with the several prior attacks (“actionable intelligence”) leading up to 9/11/12, and the people on the ground never mentioned a video as a reason for the terrorist attack either.
Barack Obama is not leading on Benghazi and as a result, Americans are asking ‘what did the President know and when?’ A recent report
exposing State Department testimony directly contradicts what Obama’s
Director of the CIA purported just days after the terrorist attack.
Even David Petreaus
seemed to be in lock-step with the Obama Administration when he
seemingly laid blame on a youtube video for the attack on the US Embassy
in Benghazi, Libya.
ABC’s account was then refuted by the CIA Field Office Chief in Libya, who stated within 24 hours of the 9/11 attack that it was not a protest, but a well planned and precise attack carried out by terrorists On 9/12/2012, the day after Stevens & his team were murdered, the Libyan government also confirmed it was a terrorist attack, not result of a video.
The timeline for the al Qaeda attacks on Americans in Benghazi begins in June 2012—one month before the youtube video was released in July 2012. Clearly, the youtube had nothing to do with the several prior attacks (“actionable intelligence”) leading up to 9/11/12, and the people on the ground never mentioned a video as a reason for the terrorist attack either.
- The video was not released until after the first attack on Ambassador Stevens, in June.
- The video was not released until after the assassination attempt on the British Ambassador, in June.
- The video was not released until three months after the American Red Cross was attacked twice, and with impunity.
- And finally, the video was not released until a full year & six months after the proliferation of missiles in the Benghazi area, when Conservative Report featured writer, Doug Matthew Stewart broke the story.
- If the murder of Chris Stevens & his “security team” was result of a youtube video, then explain the several assassination attempts and attacks on the U.S. before the video was even released.It is obvious that the youtube video had nothing at all to do with the terrorist attack on Benghazi. So, where did the information come from—placing blame on youtube for the Middle East upheaval?The blame on a youtube video came from Egypt, where President Mohammed Morsi rules with an iron fist, after having been welcomed into power by the Obama administration.Morsi led a group of Islamic Extremist who used to be on a terrorist watch list after the 1st al Qaeda attack on 9/11. And many in the liberally biased U.S. media alleged the extremist “were just a small fraction of the Egyptian population—only 20%.”And now the former Muslim Brotherhood President, Mohammed Morsi controls the media in Egypt—who provided nothing more than an excuse to attack their targets: Americans, Israelis & Coptics.See the attached photo to the left. It is a screenshot of the Muslim Brotherhood’s website. Note the underlined portion. The Muslim Brotherhood blames America, Coptic Christians and Israel for their attacking the American Embassy on 9/11.The video was released by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula a/k/a Sam Bacille in July, 2012. It was then translated into Arabic and distributed months later across the middle-east by Morsi, who is also the former President of the Muslim Brotherhood.
President Morsi waited until one week
prior to 9/11 to translate and release the video on Egyptian mainstream
media without time for cooler heads to prevail. As the former leader of
the Extremist Brotherhood, Morsi must have known what the impact would
be—placing Coptics, America and Israel at great risk. The result was a
violent protest in front of the American Embassy. Note to Joe Biden,
whose plan in Afghanistan is to ‘train foreign fighters’—-your trained
foreign forces did not protect the Embassies in Egypt, nor in Benghazi.
would President Morsi be so irresponsible, as to translate and release
for wide distribution such a careless video? The answer is clear. The
video was distributed by a Coptic Christian, and the Coptics have been
under attack and murdered by Extremist in Egypt for years.
To blame those who have been under attack & murdered in Egypt for years, and were just attacked again—one month prior to 9/11 on Aug. 1, 2012— is certainly a stretch. And since Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton welcomed the extremist Brotherhood into power in Egypt, the Coptic Christians have now formed their own Christian Brotherhood.
Morsi, who is supported by Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton, set his
former organization ablaze over a false narrative involving a youtube
video. As result, the Muslim Brotherhood & Coptic Christians are sure to experience more tension as Egypt continues on a course toward Civil War.
following the attack in Egypt, the Prime Minister of Israel (which
borders Egypt), Benjamin Netanyahu requested a personal meeting and was
turned away by the US President.
Pictured above-right, an Egyptian Coptic priest inspects the bodies of Coptic Christian demonstrators killed in clash with soldiers during a protest against an attack on a Christian church in Cairo on October 9, 2011.
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