OpEd: Jack
The following is a e-mail between me and my older brother who is co-partner on Sharlas Labrinth
I hope you find the conversation to be food for thought..:) My older brother served in the AF in special Op's
1959-1962 worked the Congo and supply to Spec Forces working Cambodia/Vn early on!

Well you hang in there brother. Activism is fun but I grew weary of
it. Once you know how the game is played you know who will win two
years in advance that takes all of the fun out of it.
Sarah Palin may run but she probably won't win. If you want to win you'll need
40% of the vote and a joker in the deck.
Bill Clinton beat the demographics by using Ross Perot , a Republican,
to bleed votes from Bush Sr.. Clinton won with 40% of the vote. Bill
never ran ads against Perot and his team used dark money donated to
the Perot campaign. You need to find a Democrat to use as your joker
to run a 'third party' campaign against the Dem candidate in '16 to
stand a chance.
It will be a tough thing to do but it is possible.
I agree Dems and Repubs are the same but our system is set up for two
parties and a third party has never come close to winning an election.
A third party can only be used to spoil the bi-party
demographics...nothing more. That's the way the game is set up and
The aristocrats run our world and you are allowed to choose one of the
two aristocrats placed before you. That way you feel like you decide
who's king but you're just deciding between chocolate and vanilla. If
you'd rather have orange sherbet, sorry but that's not on the menu.
Lost interest in FOX and the other phonies a long time ago...
FOX News is just as much MSM as NBC. It's all infotainment. They all
get drunk at the same country club and ridicule you.
Yes, one of those SEALs was my friend. Those boys who died in Benghazi
despised FOX and the MSM. We were all laughing about talking heads
and politicians that night. He went quiet and when he came back on he
was telling us about the hired cops who were taking pictures inside
the compound. He said "hope we don't die tonight".
Everybody was posting "get the fuck out of there". He had thirty seven
civilians to sneak out and get them to the safe house. The last
message he posted to the board was "FUCK GUNFIRE". We all stayed at
our keyboards for hours but there was no further messages out of
If you really want to be on the side of the real men who fight
for us, join one of the forums where they hang. They're all gamers
for the simple reason that there is no other entertainment for the men
who work in those places.
Eve Online is the hardest game to play and that's why so many of them
play it. They have the best computers on the planet to play with and
they're all power players. You need a broadband connection to play the
game but you can use the forum with dial up. Lurk there awhile and
you'll learn more in a day than you will in a year watching FOX or any
other infotainment show!
I'm not kidding.... What's happening in Benghazi today? How did we
catch two of them in Turkey? Did we really send a Fast Team into
Aleppo? How many have we killed since the attack on Benghazi? Have you
heard any of that on FOX or the others?
The television only tells us what they want us to hear. No Sean
Hannity or Bill O'Reilly has ever put on a uniform and served his
country. that's true of them
all....including Rush Limbaugh!
But they are entertaining.....ROFL
The following is a e-mail between me and my older brother who is co-partner on Sharlas Labrinth
I hope you find the conversation to be food for thought..:) My older brother served in the AF in special Op's
1959-1962 worked the Congo and supply to Spec Forces working Cambodia/Vn early on!
Well you hang in there brother. Activism is fun but I grew weary of
it. Once you know how the game is played you know who will win two
years in advance that takes all of the fun out of it.
Sarah Palin may run but she probably won't win. If you want to win you'll need
40% of the vote and a joker in the deck.
Bill Clinton beat the demographics by using Ross Perot , a Republican,
to bleed votes from Bush Sr.. Clinton won with 40% of the vote. Bill
never ran ads against Perot and his team used dark money donated to
the Perot campaign. You need to find a Democrat to use as your joker
to run a 'third party' campaign against the Dem candidate in '16 to
stand a chance.
It will be a tough thing to do but it is possible.
I agree Dems and Repubs are the same but our system is set up for two
parties and a third party has never come close to winning an election.
A third party can only be used to spoil the bi-party
demographics...nothing more. That's the way the game is set up and
The aristocrats run our world and you are allowed to choose one of the
two aristocrats placed before you. That way you feel like you decide
who's king but you're just deciding between chocolate and vanilla. If
you'd rather have orange sherbet, sorry but that's not on the menu.
Lost interest in FOX and the other phonies a long time ago...
FOX News is just as much MSM as NBC. It's all infotainment. They all
get drunk at the same country club and ridicule you.
Yes, one of those SEALs was my friend. Those boys who died in Benghazi
despised FOX and the MSM. We were all laughing about talking heads
and politicians that night. He went quiet and when he came back on he
was telling us about the hired cops who were taking pictures inside
the compound. He said "hope we don't die tonight".
Everybody was posting "get the fuck out of there". He had thirty seven
civilians to sneak out and get them to the safe house. The last
message he posted to the board was "FUCK GUNFIRE". We all stayed at
our keyboards for hours but there was no further messages out of
If you really want to be on the side of the real men who fight
for us, join one of the forums where they hang. They're all gamers
for the simple reason that there is no other entertainment for the men
who work in those places.
Eve Online is the hardest game to play and that's why so many of them
play it. They have the best computers on the planet to play with and
they're all power players. You need a broadband connection to play the
game but you can use the forum with dial up. Lurk there awhile and
you'll learn more in a day than you will in a year watching FOX or any
other infotainment show!
I'm not kidding.... What's happening in Benghazi today? How did we
catch two of them in Turkey? Did we really send a Fast Team into
Aleppo? How many have we killed since the attack on Benghazi? Have you
heard any of that on FOX or the others?
The television only tells us what they want us to hear. No Sean
Hannity or Bill O'Reilly has ever put on a uniform and served his
country. that's true of them
all....including Rush Limbaugh!
But they are entertaining.....ROFL
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