In The Dark Knight (2008) Batman meets up with his most diabolical enemy – the Joker, played fiendishly by the late Heath Ledger. There’s nothing funny about Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker. It’s not Jack Nicholson’s clownish Joker.
This Joker is psychotic. Or is he?Alfred warns Bruce Wayne that the Joker is no ordinary criminal. Neither power nor money motivates him. We are never told what makes him tick. Alfred offered the only way to approach the Joker: “Some men just want to watch the world Burn.” Here’s the entire scene:
Some people just want to watch other people die, and they have “rational” reasons for it!
The following email was sent to me by someone who calls himself “Grimly Fiendish”:
What I enjoy the most about being Canadian is the fact that I can leave this conservative s**t-hole and go home, which I plan to do in the near future. I have had enough of the inbred sub moron level christians trying to legislate morality and force their archaic, hypocritical bulls**t down my throat. I guess that the inbreeding will take care of them eventually. Personally, I would like to see Darwinism practiced on a more active level, at least if they try to cross the border into Canada. So frankly f**k you and I sincerely hope that you have not managed to breed so your faulty genetic material ends with you.
By the way, the genetic material does not end with me. I have two children and nine grandchildren.
There are some people who end up having a visceral reaction to whatever. Why this happens is a mystery to those who claim that people who indiscriminately murder other people must be mentally ill. Maybe they’re not mentally ill. It’s possible that bits and pieces of perverted worldview logic have reshaped their thinking process. They no longer have a moral baseline since so much of what they see and hear is irrational and morality is subjective. The abnormal is forced on us to be accepted as normal.
When girls can become boys and boys can become girls by an act of the will, is anything out of bounds? Does anyone describe the big gender switcheroo as a mental illness? Of course not, even though it’s irrational, unscientific, and biologically absurd. And yet we are forced to reshape our minds to accept it.
When things go off-kilter in some people’s lives, the pieces of absurdity that they’ve heard and seen over the years begin to construct a uniquely distorted way of looking at the world with its own internal logic that makes sense as long as the person remains in the logic of that constructed world. The evil, absurd, illogical, and irrational become good, normative, logical, rational and by extension justified in terms of the newly constructed mental edifice.
Consider the following about the Columbine shooters:
When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed Darrell Scott’s daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and 12 other students and teachers at Columbine High School, the two teens used Charles Darwin’s ‘
survival of the fittest’ theory to justify their actions. Harris even wore a ‘natural selection’ T-shirt on the day of the killings.These ideas permeate our culture even though the logical extension of what survival of the fittest might mean to some people who are no longer taught that they are created in the image of God and are bound by His laws, both natural and supernatural, is quite terrifying. They learn in biology that they are highly evolved animals. There is no moral law among the animals. The evolutionary struggle for life was violent and bloody. There was no moral overseer as the process evolved…
Read the Rest of the Story at GaryDeMar.com
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