Dave Jolly

In the November elections, the voters in four states voted to approve
same-sex marriages. Illinois was not one of them. In the state of
Illinois, it is still against the law for same-sex partners to legally
However, as in many other states, that law is being challenged by gay rights activists.
lawmakers in Illinois are set to work on a bill later this week that
would legalize same-sex marriage. They are trying to force the bill
through before the new legislators are sworn in on Jan. 9. The bill is
getting support from
business and political leaders including President Obama who sent a letter in support of the bill to the state legislators. White House spokesman
Shin Inouye told the Chicago Sun-Times:
“While the president does not weigh in on every measure
being considered by state legislatures, he believes in treating everyone
fairly and equally, with dignity and respect. As he has said, his
personal view is that it’s wrong to prevent couples who are in loving,
committed relationships, and want to marry, from doing so. Were the
President still in the Illinois State Legislature, he would support this
measure that would treat all Illinois couples equally.”
Mayor Rahm Emmanuel also has endorsed the measure. In the business
community, leaders of Google, Morningstar, Private Bancorp Inc. and
Groupon have also publicly endorsed the legalization of same-sex
marriage. Another heavy hitter to support the bill is Fred Eychaner, a
Chicago media mogul who donated $14 million to Democrats in last year’s
elections. Laura Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs and publicly
professed lesbian is also supporting the bill (another reason why I
don’t root for the Cubs).
Traditional marriage supporters are not giving up without a fight either.
David Smith,
Executive Director of Illinois Family Institute pointed out that only
about 250 of the thousands of priests, ministers and rabbis have
endorsed same-sex marriage, indicating that the vast majority of them do
not favor it. He commented about the bill, saying:
“I think it’s a little bit of an overreach. In fact, I’ve
challenged the sponsor of the bill. If he’s so confident that the
people of Illinois want same-sex marriage, then why doesn’t he put it on
the ballot and let the people decide?”
“The general public in
Illinois rejects the idea of redefining God’s institution of marriage.
Marriage is one man, one woman — Always has been. Always will be. It’s
almost as silly as proposing that we change the definition of triangles
to circular. There is no such thing as round triangles. There is no such
thing as same-sex marriage.”
If you live in Illinois, contact your
state legislators
IMMEDIATELY and tell them to vote NO on the bill to legalize same-sex
marriage. The Silent Majority needs to stand up and stop being silent.
Make your voices heard in the state capital and help protect the
sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.
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