Tim Brown

There has been lots of talk over the past few months about gun control
by the main stream media and liberals in general. This was anticipated
following the shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theater at the opening of
The Dark Knight Rises. It escalated over the next couple of months
until the shooting that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in
Newtown, Connecticut. Because so many young children were killed the
emotional response was increased, but I’ll bet most people never heard
of a shooting that took place at a theater just two days after that and
for good reason; it didn’t go with the liberal’s agenda.
On Sunday, December 16, 2012 a man
entered a movie theater
in San Antonio, Texas for the sole purpose of killing his ex-girlfriend
because she had broke up with him. The gunman, 19 year old Jesus
Manuel Garcia, apparently did not complete his task. He opened fire in
the theater which caused mass panic. People were running for cover and
rushing towards exits, according to police and witnesses.
At least two people were wounded in the shooting.
So why was there not widespread news footage covering this event? The
shooter was stopped. The Santikos Mayan Palace 14 Movie Theater also
houses a small restaurant. When the shooting began in the restaurant
and as people went for cover, Garcia began to fire outside at an
unmarked police car. He then moved to the theater where off duty Bexar County Sheriff officer, Sgt. Lisa Castellano, who was working the
theater chased Garcia to the back of the theater and cornered him in
the men’s room, shooting him several times and taking his gun.
Detective Louis Antu, spokesman for the Bexar County Sheriff’s
Office, said, “She took all appropriate action to keep everyone safe in
the movie theater.”
Armando Oguin, an off-duty San Antonio Independent School District
police officer restrained Garcia with handcuffs. He was then taken to
San Antonio Military Medical Center where he was in stable condition in
intensive care the following Monday.
My guess is because the shooting was stopped by an off duty officer
and the fact that the crime was not committed with an AR-15 has
something to do with why this did not get mass coverage. The fact that
there was no one killed probably adds to that. So what was used? A
Glock 23, according to this
Glock 23 is a .40 caliber handgun that holds 13 rounds in its magazine and 1 in the chamber. This is
one of hundreds of handguns that would come under Senator Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons Ban” bill.
Of course, no AR-15 rifle for the media and the left to call for more
bans on alleged “assault weapons” and there was not mental health issues
for anyone to jump on either.
This really should speak volumes for the media’s silence. Yes, the
person that stopped the shooter was a police officer, but consider they
were off duty and allowed to carry their weapon at the theater.
The point is that the good guy, or in this case, the good gal, had a
gun to stop the bad guy. Otherwise everyone else were potential
victims. Sgt. Castellano is to be congratulated for her bravery and
ending what could have potentially been a very deadly situation.
After contacting the movie theater I learned that they openly display
signs, just like at the Aurora theater, that concealed weapons are not
allowed. Therefore, it seems that once again a theater takes it upon
itself to create victims, rather than empower individuals to protect
themselves. Obviously the criminal, Mr. Garcia, paid no attention to
the law or the signs.
Garcia was charged with attempted capital murder of a police officer,
and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. His bail was set at $1
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