by: David Codrea
A threatening sentiment is emerging in the bitter accusations and actions following Donald Trump’s electoral landslide victory. Anyone not joining in the lynch mob being formed against his inauguration is being branded a “traitor.” And that includes Oath Keepers.
Those who frequent this website are more in tune than most at attempts to discredit the Trump victory with accusations of “fake news” by establishment media hypocrites (it’s no surprise Hillary Clinton wants “Congressional action,” that is, enforceable laws with punishments). We’re also aware of attempts to sway so-called “faithless electors” via partisan CIA careerists leveling unsubstantiated allegations of Russian hacking, and, thanks to exclusive intelligence analysis reporting, of planned disruptions that may very well erupt into widespread lawless violence.
What we don’t know, but can reasonably infer, is that frustrated weaker minds are being primed to lash out violently. With all the intentional spreading of hate, not just at Trump – but at his supporters, at Republicans in general and at anyone not on board with the “progressive” (totalitarian) agenda – we shouldn’t be surprised to see rhetoric transform into something destructive and even deadly.
The cold civil war is heating up, and the targets are getting closer to home. Case in point:
“What is abundantly clear to real Americans is that any other American who still supports a White House-bound friend of Putin and beneficiary of ‘warfare against America’ is a traitor,” Politicus USA asserts. “And that particularly includes each and every one of the so-called ‘real American’ patriots, Oathkeepers and militia-types who never wavered in supporting Trump despite his love-affair with a foreign ‘aggressor that consistently undermines American interests.’”
“It’s a COUP. It’s war. It’s an attack by Russia.” Keith Olbermann rants. “Those supporting it are TRAITORS.”
We have to assume those leveling such charges mean what they say, and that they’re not alone. Indeed, the sentiment is being parroted on Politico, and repeated on Bill Moyers’ website. Expect to hear more of it as it becomes a meme.
Then consider what the ultimate penalty for treason is, and what can happen to “traitors.” Those throwing the word around are aware of that.
Is it really a stretch to conclude that – if you’re not with them on this and other agenda items – they want you executed by a state they’re bent on making unchallengeable? Is it really a coincidence the same accusing voices rail the loudest against an armed citizenry? And does anyone capable of rational observation truly believe that the horrors of totalitarianism useful “progressive” idiots would empower can never happen here?
“Not on our watch”?
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