oped: First and foremost Donald Trump made many promises while campaigning ..he engaged the electorate and strongly stated he was not the establishment and would correct all the wrongs committed by the establishment on both sides of the aisle ie: "Drain the Swamp" For him to know say "I am the President" and have to start work on the economy ...which is all good ..however he was elected because of all the promises he made...to brush them aside now that he has grasped the golden ring of office just makes him also part of the establishment and his credibility will suffer from such!
Once only a popular rallying cry, “lock her up” could take on a very real meaning now that President Elect Donald Trump is heading to the Oval Office.
During the third and final Presidential debate, Donald Trump told Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton that if he became President, he would, “instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor into your situation.”
Throughout his campaign, Trump questioned the legitimacy of the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s illegal use of a private email server. He referred to her email scandal as, “bigger than Watergate,” and argued that she was, “protected by a rigged system.”
Now he has won the presidency, and Clinton is shaking in her pantsuit that she is heading to jail.
When FBI Director James Comey did not recommend charges for the second time, Trump said, “Unbelievable what she gets away with.”
While the process of putting Clinton behind bars would be a long one, Trump could very well restart the investigation, and potentially land her in jail.
Should he follow through with his threat to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton, the inquiry would have to reveal that she did in fact violate criminal law. From that point, she would have the right to a fair trial in which the prosecutor would have to argue against the original evidence that led the FBI to not recommend charges.
While it’s anything from impossible, there is plenty of speculation he would actually follow through with the prosecution.
Trump praised Clinton during his victory speech, saying she was owed, “a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.”
However, some Republicans have called for Trump to pardon Clinton as an act of unity, a gracious act that could help heal the post-election divide.
Some political analysts believe Trump doesn’t actually want to prosecute her. “Whatever you think of Donald Trump, I don’t believe he really thinks he would put Hillary Clinton in jail. The President has no authority to jail people, and people in her position don’t normally get sent to jail for first offenses,” conservative lobbyist Curt Levey told The Guardian.
While he couldn’t personally put Clinton in jail, we can think of one potential Attorney General who would love to have that honor.
The Horn News predicted Rudy Giuliani could potentially be appointed as Trump’s Attorney General.
“The crime was pretty bad, exposing national security information to countries we know can take it from us… and for that, you shouldn’t be allowed to get off,” he told Fox News.
In August, he spoke to Fox News about the Clinton Foundation, saying, “If I was attorney general, I would indict the Clinton Foundation as a racketeering enterprise.”
While the mainstream media doesn’t believe Trump would truly “lock her up,” this election has taught us that they can never be trusted.
— The Horn editorial team
My hope is that he will keep to his word.
Psalm 15:4 Telling us who are those of God and who do that which is pleasing in the sight of the Lord tells us of keeping your word>>>>> “He who sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not”
“Perfect One,” he communicated with Hillary on her e-mail system, so he had to have known her e-mail address, in that it was different from her State Department address.
According to the U.S. Constitution, if you are not born in the United States you cannot run for President. Period…. I hope they
Will open that case too.
The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. Article II, Section 1, Clause 1. Donald Trump could and should demand that the 114th Congress in its “Lame Duck” Session do the correct and honorable thing; Impeach at minimum Obama and Clinton.
Let her stew about this for a few months. Keep it out of the news.
If she has a conscience , let it work on her. But keep her out of his news!!!!
Lessons must be taught so Clintons do NOT happen again.
Curt Levey’s “people in her position” says it all. Are we going to regress to a monarchy-like system, where our version of royals and aristocrats can do anything that suits them, without fear of repercussion?
If not, then there needs to be an investigation by an organization that does not have a biased director, and if that leads to indictment and conviction, then it would be no different from what other Americans would have to endure in a similar situation.
The Clintons are not demi-gods, even if they and those addicted to them think they are.
It will then take a course that is normal and usual for the DoJ, while Trump is dealing with other issues.
Why Wrong?
This criminal mind is slipping by you American Sheep’s noses every day, and you prefer NOT to rout its ugly head from your nation’s top echelon, and now is the worst time that this evil has enjoyed its worst rule over and enslavement of you Americans.
Don’t you get it yet, you nation of beguiled, enslaved sheep?
How dead in your sin you are . . .
work slaves for their stinking corporations.
They are already buying chelsea and the now -deadbeat dad – a house next to them. They have told of plans of ‘easing here’ (means buying) her the 17th congressional seat where an OLD duffer is about to retire – they plan on STAYING in politics and trying to keep chelsea ‘clean’ to be THEIR next shot at the WH.
I say RE investigate the clintons, ALL of them – inclusing chelsea who if old enough for politics is old enough for JAIL, as she participates in the tax fraud scam of the ‘foundations’
NO more clintons, kennedys, obamas, bushs, or any of their offspring or realtives in politics.
John Redman
Grafton, NH
because it will put an example to other crook politicians. They need to see that crime and law breaking in USA is punishable at all levels; there should not be two standards, one for the people and another for the powerful individuals.
If Trump fails to do this, he will look like Bush in 2000, pardoning Bill Clinton.
The majority of the people who voted for Trump do want justice and fairness restored in America.
Justice is Justice for ALL
our nations problem, the lying and crookedness, murders ect on and on IS the reason
our country is so far down the toilet. All to line her pockets with riches and power.
True she lost the election and should fade away, but her GREED wont let her, so she
in my opinion should be FORCED away….Lock her up.
You’re a real hoot!
She will stand before a jury at some point in time come 2017…..if she did no crimes, then she is well and no need for her to panic nor fear, BUT….if she is found otherwise, her future is from behind bars!
Dismissing that runs contrary to one of his chief campaign stances and will appease only those who didn’t support him anyway, while angering those that did. Justice must be done. It is in everyone’s best interest to investigate these matters fully and if theee is not enough evidence for charges, explain that then let it go. If there is though, then it must be allowed to proceed naturally, without fearing how it might look or who it might upset. There’s a reason the lady wears a blindfold.
The reputation of the DOJ and the FBI has been heavily tarnished by these shenanigans and they, above all, deserve to vindicated by allowing them to perform the function they exist for, not only without fear or favour, but without the appearance of it as well.
If no charges are forthcoming, a full explanation of how and why Giuliani’s 19 or so 18USC laws don’t apply in Hillary’s case to put it to rest
Either wake up to the fact that Hitlery Clinton is standing at the head of the SLAUGHTER LINE OF SHEEP you STAND IN, OR YOUR TURN FOR BEHEADING IS VERY NEAR AT HAND.
That call is all it would take to set the Department of Justice in motion – it’s their job, not his.
Trump won because of we who trusted him, and we will drop our support of him at the first sign of him colluding with the liberals/progressives/Marxists.
Especially if he wants to be reelected in four more years.
Personally, I would like to see them in jail…….but her Soros’ paid deplorable demonstrators might be forced to retreat.
However, she KNOWS otherwise and is fearing for her freedom to be taken from her for her many crimes against this nation!
May Almighty God bring her fully down with true justice, just as He gave us Mr. Trump to be our next President!
“You can fool some of the people some of the time,
You can fool all of the people some of the time,
But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”.
This election proved it. Goodbye Hitlery and her mafia.
God bless President Trump!
If we do have a FIRST WOMAN President- i hope it will be a woman with BRAINS, STYLE ,GRACE. Like say maybe….. IVANKA. Now that is a WOMAN!!! And SHE IS A WOMAN with BRAINS and STYLE and GRACE!! And SHE LOVES AMERICA. The Clinton on the other hand LOVE America ONLY for their gain. Nothing more
Our Constitution is our governing law. Future cases will depend on whether we follow this, it’s guided us this far. Don’t abandon what everyone has died to protect .
Unless your not an America.
America is DEAD.
It is NOT Trump’s or any one other individual to “lovk Hillary up.” It is the honor and duty of you American SHEEP to do YOUR OWN DUTY and RESPECT for HONESTY AND JUSTICE, TO DISCOVER AND THEN CHARGE HILLARY WITH ALL HER OFFENCES against you.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
The Clinton Fund should also have a Special Prosecutor to investigate all involved including Bill Clinton & Chelsea Clinton to see if any criminal or national defense violations were acted upon.
The results of these investigations should be acted upon properly by the D.O.J.
Reduce her to the “poverty” of having to live off her Senate retirement and Bill’s retirement from the presidency. Plus monitor their speech fees and financial accts and portfolios from here on out. Little Chelsea, too! Better than wasting tax dollars with expenses related to locking her up. Let her walk forever among the people with her head hung low!
Is she any different ? Her actions show intent big time.
I have NOT posted this comment before. Let’s get that right. This is not a hate survey. I DONOT HATE
Why should We taxpayers have to pay to house this traitor?
TO THE GALLOWS with ALL of the traitors infesting our Nation!!!
God is no respect of persons … Why should Trump respect her above any other thug !!!
The navy sailor is doing time for taking 4 pictures of a submarine … Hillary killed 4 military navy seals.
Am I the only one that has a problem with this logic? My vote is she goes to jail like any other criminal !!!
I have been hearing the many pros and cons of a pardon for Hillary by many, both on the internet and talk radio. If Obama does it, it would become his legacy, if Trump does it, it could be considered an act of healing the country, while it would certainly reinforce the feeling in the nation that the elites always look out for themselves.
My personal feeling is that there is much that we do not know about the wheeling and dealing of the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, but should.
Therefore, I propose a compromise- pardon Hillary, but ONLY Hillary, and allow the investigation to go forward, and go after the second stringers- people who knew they were committing crimes against the nation (Podesta and Mook come to mind).
Once we know the extent of their (and by extension, her) crimes, that will provide a convincing coda to the Clinton legacy- immune from prosecution, but forever tainted in history.
And maybe, just maybe, the Clintons will shut up and just go away. It would be worth it.
NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Haul in all the accomplices also!