by:Walt aka Battleborne
I am not a novelist...more along the lines of a essayist akin to Mark Twain...I tried writing a novel once ...Titled 'The Sex Life of a Onion'...however I got stuck on the first chapter, a real tear jerker...haha so I'm sticking with being what I am a essayist .
To put this into perspective...I am a Baby Boomer...being born 1944...and yes I grew up during the proverbial Happy Days 1950's -1960's...Short Biography...Family History...On Dads side Grandma (Born California 1890) Original Californian under the Spanish Land grants 1830...related to Governor General Castro her parents side... Castro's /Rameles...Married a German/Austrian immigrant 1912.
On Moms side her Dad a Italian Immigrant 'Paisano'(Sicilian) her Mom Russian Immigrant...and for the most part not one a blue blood... I am all mixed up Italian,Spanish.German,Russian,Prussian,French,Irish, and 1/8th Apache/Comanche from the Castro side and God only knows what else back door romances lol...Heinz 57 per se' therefore I can honestly say I am a original Patriot...ha
Onto the Mickey Mouse Club intro yes I am one, my Dad along with my older brother had really high IQ's genius level...me the proverbial middle son my IQ just 135 no genius here had to work twice as hard...lol..at any rate my dad built our first TV in the garage...1950 then came the Mickey Mouse Club 1955 along with Hop Along Cassidy,Dragnet.The Lone Ranger and Flash Gordon those were my Favs.
1950' tv shows: http://www.classic-tv.com/shows/decade/1950s
Being that my Grandpa, Moms dad, was the head of transportation at the Old Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank California I told my mom I wanted to be a Mouseketter cause' I had a crush on Karen and Annette...she had G/pa take me to the studios and introduced me to John Wayne and Ronald Reagan, my fav actors...she also enrolled me into Tap and Ballet classes as she said I would have to do this for the Mickey Mouse Club...I lasted about three classes and told Ma hell no I will stick with Pop Warner football and Little league baseball...ha also Ronald and John asked me if I was going to become a actor I said I don't think so...they said "good decision"... albeit I did a couple of Spin & Marty... Mickey Mouse Club serials as I was into horses and sports...ha...that was it for me!
Ok that concludes Part One...of the adventures of Battleborne...it was a teaser to test the proverbial water for any interest in parts 2,3,4,5 or... no more...let me know if'n ya want to hear more silly war stories of how I got to where I am now mentally,physically,socially,politically et al ha:)
As for Mickey Mouse Club: Where are they now? : http://www.themouseforless.com/blog_ms_news/2006/06/05/mickey-mouse-club-where-are-they-now/
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