
Monday, September 19, 2016

1991 Barack Obama Bio: “Born in Kenya and Raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

oped: Well the Hillary Clinton campaign just had to bring this up again...another can of worms was set free ...until I see the original LFBC which has never been released... I will remain in the not sure category!

By Gary DeMar 

Hillary and the compliant media are doing everything they can to derail Trump’s surge in the polls and keep Hillary propped up (literally). There seems to be some movement among blacks toward Trump. A five or ten percent shift in the black vote toward Trump would be significant.
When things begin to go south for Democrats, they play the race card. Claiming that President Obama might not have been born in the United States is a “race card” issue. Trump raised it in 2011. This forced Hawaiian authorities to release a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, although it was not a copy of the original.
It’s obvious from the historical record that Trump did not originate the birther issue. It was floating around before he took up the quest for the truth.
From what we know, and the media are not reporting, the birther subject was spawned in the bowels of the Clinton campaign. Did Hillary personally promote it? Probably not. It was done by surrogates so she could claim plausible deniability. “Who me?” She had and has her “buffers” like all crime families do. The following scene is from the Godfather II Senate hearing:

Here is some of what we know:
“[Ben Smith and Byron Tau] detailed in a lengthy four-page-long investigation how in April 2008, when Clinton was slipping in her battle against Obama for the Democratic nomination for the presidency, ‘Clinton supporters’—as they say—circulated an anonymous email chain that pushed the theory.
“‘Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,’ the email that Clinton supporters circulated read.”

“Those anonymous people were hardly the only ones. In fact, as Joshua Green reported in The Atlantic in August 2008, a March 19, 2007 strategy memo from longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn proves that the Clinton campaign itself was pushing the conspiracy theory. Penn, in the memo, advocated that Clinton target Obama’s ‘lack of American roots.’” (Breitbart)

Read more: “Hillary Clinton and the True History of Obama ‘Birtherism.'”
I suggest that you read the entire Breitbart article to see how Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign was knee-deep in the suggestion that Obama was not born in the United States and his “lack of American roots.”1 

But the birther issue goes back further – to 1991. Joseph Farah of WND asks, “Who Was the First ‘Birther’?
“Trump was hardly the first ‘birther.’ Neither was I. Nor was my colleague Jerome Corsi. And neither was Hillary Clinton.
“That honor belongs to one person and one person alone – Barack Obama.”
How is this possible?

“Obama went to extreme lengths to conceal his past. And, indeed, if he was born in the U.S. and was eligible to serve as president, he certainly did his best to create the mystery that led to the question being asked.
“Years earlier, he billed himself as having been born in Kenya.
“Maybe he thought it was a sexy way to sell books, get a foreign student scholarship, attract women – who knows?
“But it’s a fact that he boasted about it.” (WND)
The evidence? It comes from a short bio that was “used by Barack Obama’s literary agency beginning in 1991 and ending in 2007 – the year he declared his candidacy for president.” Here’s the first sentence of the opening paragraph (Breitbart):
“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

oped: Sorry folks ya can't have it both ways...Obama attended Occidential College [Columbia Harvard also?] on a foreign student scholarship...either he lied/committed fraud to gain a scholarship (Which is a crime in itself) or he was born in Kenya...which is it Barry Barack Obama?

Even Snopes says it’s true. The editor of the short biography states that it “was a simple mistake and nothing more” to say that Obama was born in Kenya. I’ll take him at his word. But it remains a fact that there was a biography from a “client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991” that states that Obama was born in Kenya that remained unquestioned until 2007. Obama himself had 16 years to disavow the information and call for a correction. It would have been unusual for a literary agency not to send a copy of the bio to Obama for his approval. Are we to believe that in 16 years in never saw the bio?
In addition, there is ample evidence that people inside the Clinton campaign gave credence to the Kenyan birther issue for political reasons in order to sabotage Obama’s campaign.
The media will continue to claim that Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with the birther issue because a lie is better than a Trump presidency.

“NOTE FROM SENIOR MANAGEMENT [at Breitbart]: Andrew Breitbart was never a ‘Birther,’ and Breitbart News is a site that has never advocated the narrative of ‘Birtherism.’ In fact, Andrew believed, as we do, that President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.” 

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