Im sorry but it appears as if Trump die hard supporters are akin to the fanatics who were caught up in the Obama 2008 2012 either agree with them or they call you names then block you...sorry state of affairs folks! And I wasn't even following her!
See: Twitter @Battleborne page for responses
27 minutes ago
@Battleborne @TrumpUntamed ....which, we must agree NEEDS TO WIN with no ifs, ands or butts....or we're done.
@Battleborne is that right, could of fooled me.. well hope I gave you food for thought then.
@jamie10124 @Battleborne @realDonaldTrump how many in DC were in the military? or a military school ? most are lily white soft hands lawyers
@Battleborne "In October 1968, he was declared medically unfit to serve except "in time of national emergency,"
@Battleborne "Lottery numbers ranged from 1 to 365 and were allotted according to birthdates. Trump's number was a very high, 356. "
37 minutes ago
@Battleborne "In October 1968, he was declared medically unfit to serve except "in time of national emergency,"
This is her tweet that started the debate
@Battleborne "Lottery numbers ranged from 1 to 365 and were allotted according to birthdates. Trump's number was a very high, 356. "
See: Twitter @Battleborne page for responses
- California Sunshine and Handsome White Kitty liked your Tweet:
Don't go there I don't hate the Donald or any other GOP candidate..I am just screening for the best of the best! …

Trumppin Retweeted Walt
you are a ignorant vet, I come from a very long military line - ww1 and ww2 thu 2day & they would show him respect
Trumppin added,
Trumppin Retweeted Walt
my analyst - you=ignorant, you want a lyin lawyer w strings vs a man who learned m. principles & did great things
Trumppin added,
Trumppin Retweeted Walt
plain ignorant , "oh he bought his way out". so what if he did VN was a YUGE mistake Trump created 24k jobs instead
Trumppin added,
. @Battleborne a president doesn't have to serve in the military, but i guess military school isn't enough for you, what did lawyer ted do?
. @Battleborne it was doing college years, and the injury is not stated to be lifelong or altering. google is your best friend use it.
Trumppin Retweeted Waltplain ignorant , "oh he bought his way out". so what if he did VN was a YUGE mistake Trump created 24k jobs insteadTrumppin added,
@TrumpUntamed@Battleborne lawyer Ted had a government job his whole like and got a minority scholarship to pay for school. -
@Battleborne is that right, could of fooled me.. well hope I gave you food for thought then. -
@TrumpUntamed@Battleborne lawyer Ted had a government job his whole like and got a minority scholarship to pay for school. -
@jamie10124@Battleborne@realDonaldTrump how many in DC were in the military? or a military school ? most are lily white soft hands lawyers -
@Battleborne a president doesn't have to serve in the military, but i guess military school isn't enough for you, what did lawyer ted do?

. @Battleborne it was doing college years, and the injury is not stated to be lifelong or altering. google is your best friend use it.
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