Remember the good ol’ days when immigrants would assimilate into the culture of their new nation in an effort to fit in and be ‘good citizens’? Yeah, that mindset doesn’t seem to exist anymore, especially with the new wave of Muslim migrants currently swarming throughout Europe. While outrage continues to spread throughout Europe (and particularly in Germany) at the disgusting spate of sexual assaults that are piling up, one Muslim group says they the solution to Europe’s problem.
All Europe has to do to stop the Muslim Sexual Assaults is BAN alcohol!
A group called The Muslim Stern is calling on German authorities to ban alcohol in an effort to stop the rampant sexual abuse from the Muslim community. The group’s Facebook page argues that the women of Cologne, Germany are responsible for their own assaults, because how could anyone expect these Muslim men to control themselves around women who are dressed provocatively?
'Some women should think about whether it is wise to lightly dressed and drunk, to go between hordes of drunken men.
'In general, the woman wearing due to their nature have a responsibility when it goes out of the house.
'You cannot throw a naked antelope from a lion and expect that at the lion stirs nothing.
'It is amazing that is taught in biology class so much about the mating and sexual behavior of living things, but these rules are completely ignored in everyday life.
'And because many non-Muslims constantly emphasise that we live in a Christian country, we call on you, in this country that women should dress Christian.
'Mary, Mother of Jesus, lived out as a Christian woman has to dress. So it would be highly recommended for some women to take Mary as a role model and not Lady Gaga.'
One of Cologne’s leadings Muslim leaders, Imam Sami Abu-Yusuf, blamed the attack on the victims:
“One of the reasons is the way the women were dressed. If they just wear light clothing and put on perfume, then things like this will happen.”
“No, that is of course forbidden and not only for Muslims. But there were women with very open clothing and they were wearing perfume, and at the same time while walking through the drunken masses, of course for these North African men, that was an excuse to grope them. That doesn’t mean to say that I believe women cannot be dressed like this. Everyone has to accept that.”
So the answer to the problems being caused by the Muslim refugees is for everyone to start living like Muslims. Get it? Non-Muslims should ban alcohol because Islam forbids consumption of intoxicants like alcohol. Non-Muslims should start dressing like Muslim women because Muslim men can’t help but sexually assault women who aren’t wearing full-length robes and covering their faces and ankles. (Apparently, these Muslims don’t realize that sexual abuse is also rampant in Muslim majority nations where women dress very conservatively, but I digress.)
May I make a modest proposal?
Instead of non-Muslim cultures adapting to the incoming Muslim migrants, perhaps Muslim migrants should adapt to the culture -- or even more extreme… perhaps the non-Muslim culture should not allow Muslim migration at all?
The crime is not the fault of the victim. The offender must take responsibility for themselves. If Germany wishes to survive the sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants, then the German people better start demanding that their new neighbors acculturate to German standards. Otherwise, we will all be bearing witness to the end of the German people.
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