First and foremost: people need to educate themselves on the myth of it came into being and the goals it sets..Caliphate/Sharia Law by any means they deem necessary....the Ottoman Empire was beaten but did not go away...they went underground in 1929...and have been working on their return to Caliphate since...they almost succeeded during WWII by becoming allies with Hitlers Nazi socialist party! They once again went underground and continued the course/drive toward a new Caliphate!
Second: Congress needs to enact a law making the practice,worship and teaching of 'Sharia Law' a class A felony in the United States of America... any immigrated / naturalized citizen who is found to practice,teach,promote 'Sharia Law' should be immediately arrested,stripped of their citizenship and deported to their country of origin!... any US natural citizen by birth should be sentenced to a federal prison for not less than 10 years first offense...second offense life! [In addition to any other Federal or State laws broken by applying Sharia Law]
Third: The US needs to break free from reliance on Middle East oil...Open the Keystone pipe line project...increase fracking for oil and gas reserves within the United States of America. Become a Independent oil and gas nation... we have more oil and gas reserves than all of the ME Sarah Palin puts it so well... 'Drill baby Drill!
Fourth: Impeach,arrest and prosecute the entire Obama administration for sedition/treason ...Enough is Enough of these radical Islam enablers!
Fifth:The US military should be returned to it's natural state of being non PC and well financed...Generals and Admirals should have free rein to run the military free from political intervention, under the established Military Code of Justice!
Sixth: All Islam/ Sharia Law compliant countries should be put on notice that if the US is attacked again they will be held responsible for any and all radical Islam participation~[Fact Saudi Arabia is the main financier along with Iran]...and their major cities who adhere to Sharia Law will be taken out in a retaliation strike ie: Mecca gone!
[Lest us not forget...!]
Seventh: any elected official,appointed Federal Judge including SCOTUS who attacks/ goes around the US Constitution/Bill of Rights should be considered committing Sedition bordering on Treason...they will be Impeached,arrested and prosecuted as such.
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