ROFL...thats all I have to say Jack :)

Wait, did we say Twitter users have been Photoshopping that picture of President Mom Jeans and his shotgun? Can’t be. As Twitchy reported earlier today, the White House issued the photo with the stern warning that it “may not be manipulated in any way.” Some of these are just captions, though, and the rest aren’t manipulations, but rather a process left over from the Bush era called “enhancement.”
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Wait, did we say Twitter users have been Photoshopping that picture of President Mom Jeans and his shotgun? Can’t be. As Twitchy reported earlier today, the White House issued the photo with the stern warning that it “may not be manipulated in any way.” Some of these are just captions, though, and the rest aren’t manipulations, but rather a process left over from the Bush era called “enhancement.”
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