by Joe McMaster

My Great, great grandpa was born and raised in Siskiyou County California. Siskiyou County is a part of California that most people have never heard of. Hank Williams Jr. stopped by and had a beer, (… we’re from north California and south Alabam and little town all around this land) and included it in his song, Country Boys Can Survive. Siskiyou County is about the size of Maine. Full of mountains, rivers, lakes and country folks. My great grandpa Clarence Gosney was one of the men handing out fliers at a road-block declaring their statehood of Jefferson. They decided that Yreka California would be the capitol and even elected a Governor, Governor Childs. Then the Japanese attacked us and everyone went off to war.
When I was a kid it was hard work, deer and quail hunting, guitar playing, gold mining, fishing, good times and lots of good people. Sadly, those times are long gone. Los Angeles and San Francisco have ruined our way of life, just as Portland and Salem have done to southern Oregon. The politicians who govern us have never spent a day in our county. It’s very difficult to even get our own Honorable Congressman Wally Herger to come up here. He’s another one of those career politicians who represents us. To say he has completely failed to represent this county would truly be the understatement of the century!
My Great, great grandpa was born and raised in Siskiyou County California. Siskiyou County is a part of California that most people have never heard of. Hank Williams Jr. stopped by and had a beer, (… we’re from north California and south Alabam and little town all around this land) and included it in his song, Country Boys Can Survive. Siskiyou County is about the size of Maine. Full of mountains, rivers, lakes and country folks. My great grandpa Clarence Gosney was one of the men handing out fliers at a road-block declaring their statehood of Jefferson. They decided that Yreka California would be the capitol and even elected a Governor, Governor Childs. Then the Japanese attacked us and everyone went off to war.
When I was a kid it was hard work, deer and quail hunting, guitar playing, gold mining, fishing, good times and lots of good people. Sadly, those times are long gone. Los Angeles and San Francisco have ruined our way of life, just as Portland and Salem have done to southern Oregon. The politicians who govern us have never spent a day in our county. It’s very difficult to even get our own Honorable Congressman Wally Herger to come up here. He’s another one of those career politicians who represents us. To say he has completely failed to represent this county would truly be the understatement of the century!
Up until the 1990′s Siskiyou was a good place to be for a working
family. Our county was based on the timber industry. Everyone who wanted
a job had one. My family had Log truck drivers, mill workers, loggers,
timber fallers and even started our own logging outfit just as Clinton
and Gore were elected. Our logging company didn’t last long. As the
woods were shut down, the mills and logging outfits withered away too.
Most of the working people left and the young people went into fire
fighting and other government agencies.
The politicians started pumping out the legislation, regulation, codes and laws. All of our small communities dried up and became riddled with drugs, alcohol, despair and welfare. The state and county building codes became so ridiculous that contractors left for other states. Our streams became illegal to fish, gold mining was also outlawed.
Our politicians saw an opportunity to pass laws on gun control and they outlawed “assault” guns. Then they passed a few very slick laws to get even more guns; misdemeanor domestic violence, restraining orders, and a few more laws where the violator is threatened with a felony and imprisonment if they lose their case in court or plea bargain to the lessor charge. Ultimately this would lead to losing your right to bear arms for a misdemeanor. It was genius, as the local sheriff deputy made their arrest or served a restraining order, they would take that person’s firearms. The person goes home feeling like a raped eagle and generally on four years of probation. Frustrated, confounded and usually pissed off the offender would end up violating his probation and going to prison anyway.
I still believe Jefferson State is worth trying to do! When I came home from the war, California took my vote. As they continue to chip away at the Constitution faster than the Supreme Court can hear the cases people set squarely on their asses, snivel and do nothing. The reason there is a Constitution is so to limit government, so they can’t do things like they’re doing everyday as fast as they can. Because California has 51% plus in the state Assembly they just vote that the entire state electoral votes will go to the Democratic President. So my Representative, my county, my vote doesn’t count anymore. This is a Republic and not a democracy and majority doesn’t rule.
When we borrow money from China, loan it to a green company, and Chinese investors buy it for pennies on the dollar somethings dreadfully wrong. When we have a Mayor in Chicago threatening private Banks and telling them they had better not loan any firearms companies funding…. When a Mayor in New York is making people who have a large soda outlaws… When the same mayor is outlawing guns, while his entourage is a virtual SWAT Team…. When elected representatives like California Senator Dianne Feinstein know the military uses fully automatic weapon systems, but outlaws semi-automatic rifles and the people don’t know the difference…. When she even points at a rifle sling and talks about grenade launchers…
The politicians started pumping out the legislation, regulation, codes and laws. All of our small communities dried up and became riddled with drugs, alcohol, despair and welfare. The state and county building codes became so ridiculous that contractors left for other states. Our streams became illegal to fish, gold mining was also outlawed.
Our politicians saw an opportunity to pass laws on gun control and they outlawed “assault” guns. Then they passed a few very slick laws to get even more guns; misdemeanor domestic violence, restraining orders, and a few more laws where the violator is threatened with a felony and imprisonment if they lose their case in court or plea bargain to the lessor charge. Ultimately this would lead to losing your right to bear arms for a misdemeanor. It was genius, as the local sheriff deputy made their arrest or served a restraining order, they would take that person’s firearms. The person goes home feeling like a raped eagle and generally on four years of probation. Frustrated, confounded and usually pissed off the offender would end up violating his probation and going to prison anyway.
I still believe Jefferson State is worth trying to do! When I came home from the war, California took my vote. As they continue to chip away at the Constitution faster than the Supreme Court can hear the cases people set squarely on their asses, snivel and do nothing. The reason there is a Constitution is so to limit government, so they can’t do things like they’re doing everyday as fast as they can. Because California has 51% plus in the state Assembly they just vote that the entire state electoral votes will go to the Democratic President. So my Representative, my county, my vote doesn’t count anymore. This is a Republic and not a democracy and majority doesn’t rule.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the voteIt’s way past due for the people to stand and make some serious changes. If we don’t stand, and soon, our entire country will fall. It doesn’t take an economic or constitutional degree to see what’s happening. They are ruling by force; changing, usurping and destroying the Constitution and spending faster than green corporations can file bankruptcy.
When we borrow money from China, loan it to a green company, and Chinese investors buy it for pennies on the dollar somethings dreadfully wrong. When we have a Mayor in Chicago threatening private Banks and telling them they had better not loan any firearms companies funding…. When a Mayor in New York is making people who have a large soda outlaws… When the same mayor is outlawing guns, while his entourage is a virtual SWAT Team…. When elected representatives like California Senator Dianne Feinstein know the military uses fully automatic weapon systems, but outlaws semi-automatic rifles and the people don’t know the difference…. When she even points at a rifle sling and talks about grenade launchers…
When Ivy League Professors call for an end to the
Constitution in between teaching classes on the Constitution…. When
states like Wyoming have to pass legislation to protect it’s citizenry
from the Federal government…. When the Muslim Brotherhood kills soldiers
and Marines and our politicians give the Muslim Brotherhood sixteen
high end F-16 fighter jets and two hundred M-1 Abrams Tanks and in the
same week are trying to take our semi-automatic rifles, we may have already waited too long.
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