by: Melody...all America Girl

nearly a month the Obama Administration held onto their narrative about
the YouTube. They repeatedly persisted in claiming that what the
United States witnessed in over 20 Arab nations the demonstrations which
raged at our Embassies were sparked by the obscure YouTube. I was not
alone when I did not believe this. I like many Americans knew
instinctively this was an act of terrorism.

Death And Betrayal In The Desert
On September 11, 2012 an attack on the United States Consulate in Libya
was made by Radical Islamic Terrorist rabble who have roamed the desert
in Libya since the fall of Muamar Quadaffi
Four Americans, were murdered in the attack. Ambassador Christopher Stevens first Ambassador to be killed since 1979, Information Officer, Sean Smith, along with Former Seals and private security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
The following morning the Obama
Administration announced unbelievably to the world that these men were
murdered because of an obscure YouTube about the prophet Mohammad.
Ambassador Rice stated on CBS’s Face the Nation: "Based on the best information we have to date … it began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo, where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent. … We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned."
One month and four days later a very different true story has come to light. This was NEVER a demonstration that went horribly wrong. It was an act of War against United States Sovereign Territory in Libya.
On September the 15th, 2012 Obama
and Hillary Clinton at a Ceremony for Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith,
Glen Doherty and Tyronne Woods bodies were returned home both President
Obama and Secretary of State callously lied to grieving family members
and America about how these abandoned men died. What a despicable
calculated affront.

On October the 5th, Jake Tapper ABC reported he had received an internal State Department email exposing that the Department of State had rejected the request from the Security Team for the consulate in Libya for a DC3.
On October the 7th Human events reported in a bombshell that a 16 member Special Forces team had been removed from Libya.
On October the 10th The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing in the Capitol which totally exposed the falsehood of statements by President Obama during his speech at the UN, comments
of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice, and
countless other Obama Administration officials and Pundits of the left.
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