by Drew Zahn

America’s eastern seaboard is in a state of emergency, stocking up on food and battening down the hatches as it anticipates a ferocious weather event some insurance companies would refer to as “an act of God.”
But could the “Frankenstorm” – the feared combined forces of a wintery land storm with Hurricane Sandy – actually be a message from the Almighty?
Journalist and White House correspondent William Koenig explained to WND that some of the United States’ most catastrophic storms and events have correlated closely with the nation’s God-defying attempts to divide the land of Israel.
“When we put pressure on Israel to divide their land, we have enormous, record-setting events, often within 24 hours,” Koenig told WND. “Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 – we have experienced over 90 record-setting, all-time events as we have acted against Israel. And the greater the pressure on Israel to ‘cooperate,’ the greater the catastrophe.”
Some of Koenig’s examples are startling.
“Hurricane Sandy is expected to come ashore in the Northeast on the 21st anniversary of the ‘Perfect Storm,’” Koenig related. “That record-setting storm devastated the New England coast as President George H.W. Bush co-sponsored the Madrid Conference from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1991.”
At the Conference, Bush broke from President Reagan’s more pro-Israel policies in the attempt to forge an Arab-Israeli “peace” plan that included recognizing a Palestinian “right” to biblically Jewish lands. But while Bush was in Spain advocating a division of Israel, the “Perfect Storm” – so named for the ferociously destructive way in which a cold nor’easter combined with Hurricane Grace – was lashing the U.S. seaboard at home.
“The Perfect Storm sent 30-foot ocean waves into Bush’s Kennebunkport home as he was calling on Israel to give up the West Bank (Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem),” Koenig told WND. “The Madrid ‘land for peace’ Conference began the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that Mitt Romney advocated in the debates, even as yet another ‘perfect storm’ is brewing offshore.”
The original Perfect Storm formed on Oct. 28, 1991, and dissipated on Nov. 4 – correlating almost perfectly with dates of the Madrid Conference. The storm was blamed for 13 deaths and over $200 million in damages, including those to Bush’s vacation home.
Similarly, Hurricane Katrina, the deadliest and costliest hurricane in U.S. history, hit Aug. 29, 2005; the storm began the day President George W. Bush congratulated Israel for evacuating Gaza and called on the Israelis and Palestinians to move onto his two-state plan. Koenig also pointed to the 1938 “Long Island Express,” the most powerful, deadliest and costliest hurricane in recent New England history, a storm that killed more than 600 people and resulted in property damage that in today’s dollars approaches nearly $5 billion.
“Leading up to the 1938 event, there was tremendous persecution of the Jewish people, a build-up to the Holocaust,” Koenig related. ” According to author John McTernan, the eye of the hurricane came directly over Camp Siegfried and Adolf Hitler street in Long Island. The powerful storm occurred 38 days after Camp Siegfried was the center of the largest Nazi rally outside of Germany.”
And as WND reported earlier this year, Koenig drew similar parallels with Hurricane Isaac and the 2012 Republican National Convention. The day Isaac formed as a tropical storm in August, the Republican platform committee voted to add a “two-state” position pertaining to Israel for formal convention approval.
“This is the second straight Republican convention postponed due to a major hurricane,” Koenig pointed out at the time. “And this is the third straight Republican convention that became secondary news due to a hurricane. Bush was pressuring Israel during the times of the 2004 and 2008 conventions [as well].”
Koenig links the disruption of three previous conventions to Republican pressure and support of dividing the land of Israel to pave the way for the creation of a Palestinian state.
In fact, in his book “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel,” Koenig points out that nine of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make land concessions in bids for peace with its neighbors. He points out with startling detail how six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history followed such events. He points out how three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history also followed such developments.
Now Hurricane Sandy is poised off America’s Atlantic coast and threatens to become one of the worst storms in decades. The hurricane has been dubbed “Frankenstorm” by some outlets because it’s expected to reach the coast close to Halloween and forecast models show – like the Perfect Storm of 1991 – the tropical cyclone could combine with winter weather to morph into a so-called “super storm.”
Reuters reports governors in states along the U.S. East Coast have declared emergencies, with officials urging residents to stock up on food, water and batteries, and the U.S. Navy has ordered all ships in the Norfolk, Va., area, out to sea to ride out the approaching storm.
“We’re expecting a large, large storm,” Louis Uccellini, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Center for Environmental Prediction, told Reuters. “The circulation of this storm as it approaches the coast could cover about the eastern third of the United States.”
The pre-Halloween hurricane is already affecting the presidential race, too, prompting both Mitt Romney and Vice President Joe Biden to cancel scheduled appearances in Virginia Beach. And with early voting already underway in some states, the storm could even affect vote totals.
But how does “Frankenstorm” tie into America’s stance on Israel?
“Both political parties have now accepted, specifically, a two-state solution to peace in the Mideast, dividing Israel’s land between Israel and a Palestinian state,” Koenig told WND. “And now this hurricane story is going to disrupt political campaigning and possibly affect voter turnout for both parties.
“There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes pressure on Israel by the Obama administration, to not act on Iran prior to the election,” Koenig continued, “but the most succinct correlation is that both parties have officially endorsed the two-state solution.”
Koenig also pointed to Romney’s statements at the last presidential debate, when the Republican declared, “Are Israel and the Palestinians closer to reaching a peace agreement? No, they haven’t had talks in two years. We have not seen the progress we need to have.”
Koenig, however, warned that making “progress” on the land-for-peace talks, which would see Israel surrender land to a Palestinian state, is exactly what could be prompting these catastrophic weather “acts of God.”
“From a biblical perspective, the land isn’t to be divided, parceled out or negotiated away … period,” Koenig said. “That’s the land God gave to Israel.
“People say they want peace,” he continued, “but it all comes down to this: No earthly leader has the right to partition Israel, because that was God’s gift to Abraham and his descendants.”
At the time of Hurricane Isaac, WND editor and CEO Joseph Farah wrote a commentary suggesting natural disasters are more often than the world realizes – or admits – messages from God.
“He’s trying to get your attention. Are you paying heed? What will it take? Will your world have to be turned upside down before you recognize what’s happening? Would even that be enough?” Farah asked.
“I don’t know what to expect from this hurricane on its way toward the East Coast. It could be devastating for some or nothing at all,” he continued. “Nevertheless, it’s always a good time to get right with God.”
America’s eastern seaboard is in a state of emergency, stocking up on food and battening down the hatches as it anticipates a ferocious weather event some insurance companies would refer to as “an act of God.”
But could the “Frankenstorm” – the feared combined forces of a wintery land storm with Hurricane Sandy – actually be a message from the Almighty?
Journalist and White House correspondent William Koenig explained to WND that some of the United States’ most catastrophic storms and events have correlated closely with the nation’s God-defying attempts to divide the land of Israel.
“When we put pressure on Israel to divide their land, we have enormous, record-setting events, often within 24 hours,” Koenig told WND. “Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 – we have experienced over 90 record-setting, all-time events as we have acted against Israel. And the greater the pressure on Israel to ‘cooperate,’ the greater the catastrophe.”
Some of Koenig’s examples are startling.
“Hurricane Sandy is expected to come ashore in the Northeast on the 21st anniversary of the ‘Perfect Storm,’” Koenig related. “That record-setting storm devastated the New England coast as President George H.W. Bush co-sponsored the Madrid Conference from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 1991.”
At the Conference, Bush broke from President Reagan’s more pro-Israel policies in the attempt to forge an Arab-Israeli “peace” plan that included recognizing a Palestinian “right” to biblically Jewish lands. But while Bush was in Spain advocating a division of Israel, the “Perfect Storm” – so named for the ferociously destructive way in which a cold nor’easter combined with Hurricane Grace – was lashing the U.S. seaboard at home.
“The Perfect Storm sent 30-foot ocean waves into Bush’s Kennebunkport home as he was calling on Israel to give up the West Bank (Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem),” Koenig told WND. “The Madrid ‘land for peace’ Conference began the Israeli-Palestinian peace process that Mitt Romney advocated in the debates, even as yet another ‘perfect storm’ is brewing offshore.”
The original Perfect Storm formed on Oct. 28, 1991, and dissipated on Nov. 4 – correlating almost perfectly with dates of the Madrid Conference. The storm was blamed for 13 deaths and over $200 million in damages, including those to Bush’s vacation home.
Similarly, Hurricane Katrina, the deadliest and costliest hurricane in U.S. history, hit Aug. 29, 2005; the storm began the day President George W. Bush congratulated Israel for evacuating Gaza and called on the Israelis and Palestinians to move onto his two-state plan. Koenig also pointed to the 1938 “Long Island Express,” the most powerful, deadliest and costliest hurricane in recent New England history, a storm that killed more than 600 people and resulted in property damage that in today’s dollars approaches nearly $5 billion.
“Leading up to the 1938 event, there was tremendous persecution of the Jewish people, a build-up to the Holocaust,” Koenig related. ” According to author John McTernan, the eye of the hurricane came directly over Camp Siegfried and Adolf Hitler street in Long Island. The powerful storm occurred 38 days after Camp Siegfried was the center of the largest Nazi rally outside of Germany.”
And as WND reported earlier this year, Koenig drew similar parallels with Hurricane Isaac and the 2012 Republican National Convention. The day Isaac formed as a tropical storm in August, the Republican platform committee voted to add a “two-state” position pertaining to Israel for formal convention approval.
“This is the second straight Republican convention postponed due to a major hurricane,” Koenig pointed out at the time. “And this is the third straight Republican convention that became secondary news due to a hurricane. Bush was pressuring Israel during the times of the 2004 and 2008 conventions [as well].”
Koenig links the disruption of three previous conventions to Republican pressure and support of dividing the land of Israel to pave the way for the creation of a Palestinian state.
In fact, in his book “Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel,” Koenig points out that nine of the 10 costliest insurance events in U.S. history followed dramatic calls by U.S. officials for Israel to make land concessions in bids for peace with its neighbors. He points out with startling detail how six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history followed such events. He points out how three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history also followed such developments.
Now Hurricane Sandy is poised off America’s Atlantic coast and threatens to become one of the worst storms in decades. The hurricane has been dubbed “Frankenstorm” by some outlets because it’s expected to reach the coast close to Halloween and forecast models show – like the Perfect Storm of 1991 – the tropical cyclone could combine with winter weather to morph into a so-called “super storm.”
Reuters reports governors in states along the U.S. East Coast have declared emergencies, with officials urging residents to stock up on food, water and batteries, and the U.S. Navy has ordered all ships in the Norfolk, Va., area, out to sea to ride out the approaching storm.
“We’re expecting a large, large storm,” Louis Uccellini, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Center for Environmental Prediction, told Reuters. “The circulation of this storm as it approaches the coast could cover about the eastern third of the United States.”
The pre-Halloween hurricane is already affecting the presidential race, too, prompting both Mitt Romney and Vice President Joe Biden to cancel scheduled appearances in Virginia Beach. And with early voting already underway in some states, the storm could even affect vote totals.
But how does “Frankenstorm” tie into America’s stance on Israel?
“Both political parties have now accepted, specifically, a two-state solution to peace in the Mideast, dividing Israel’s land between Israel and a Palestinian state,” Koenig told WND. “And now this hurricane story is going to disrupt political campaigning and possibly affect voter turnout for both parties.
“There has been a lot of behind-the-scenes pressure on Israel by the Obama administration, to not act on Iran prior to the election,” Koenig continued, “but the most succinct correlation is that both parties have officially endorsed the two-state solution.”
Koenig also pointed to Romney’s statements at the last presidential debate, when the Republican declared, “Are Israel and the Palestinians closer to reaching a peace agreement? No, they haven’t had talks in two years. We have not seen the progress we need to have.”
Koenig, however, warned that making “progress” on the land-for-peace talks, which would see Israel surrender land to a Palestinian state, is exactly what could be prompting these catastrophic weather “acts of God.”
“From a biblical perspective, the land isn’t to be divided, parceled out or negotiated away … period,” Koenig said. “That’s the land God gave to Israel.
“People say they want peace,” he continued, “but it all comes down to this: No earthly leader has the right to partition Israel, because that was God’s gift to Abraham and his descendants.”
At the time of Hurricane Isaac, WND editor and CEO Joseph Farah wrote a commentary suggesting natural disasters are more often than the world realizes – or admits – messages from God.
“He’s trying to get your attention. Are you paying heed? What will it take? Will your world have to be turned upside down before you recognize what’s happening? Would even that be enough?” Farah asked.
“I don’t know what to expect from this hurricane on its way toward the East Coast. It could be devastating for some or nothing at all,” he continued. “Nevertheless, it’s always a good time to get right with God.”
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