By Kirk Cameron

I’d never dug a grave before. It’s exhausting work. My arms are tired. My back is sore. And when I was finished, it didn’t give me a great sense of accomplishment. The fully dug grave just left me feeling – sad.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting with Glenn Beck in a private room at a very swanky hotel in Beverly Hills. He was gracious. He was kind. He asked about my family. We talked business, faith and the future of America. It was an impromptu coffee conversation that I will not soon forget. I like Glenn Beck. We discussed things that chilled my temperature to the core and then raised it back up to the boiling point.
Last evening, my wife and I enjoyed a quiet dinner for two, discussing the conversation I had with Glenn, when our daughter brought us news that something was wrong with our family dog. We went outside and found her lying in the backyard grass, unable to move. I literally felt her heart stop beating and her lungs deflate. It was an eerie feeling to watch something die. Tears and sobs flowed for the next hour while we all said “goodbye” to Sadie.
This morning, between soccer games, my son and I manfully dug Sadie’s grave. I wanted to dig it myself to honor “Old Faithful” for 14 years of companionship. When the kids return from their soccer games this afternoon, we’ll bury her.
I was happy to see my son with a shovel in his hands, eager to help me with the hard work. He did this because he loves Sadie.
Follow actor Kirk Cameron across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover America’s true “national treasure” – the people, places, and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known. Get “Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure” at the WND Superstore.
It’s weird. The whole thing made me think about our country. I look around my neighborhood. I see bumper stickers on cars, political signs planted on street corners, and I hear conversations at the coffee shop and soccer field that leave me feeling so – sad.
I have the eerie feeling that I’m watching my community and country dig their own graves. And they’re really killing themselves to do it. They’re putting a ton of effort into their work. They’re exhausting themselves to keep abortion legal. They think raising taxes and spending other people’s money is a good idea. They tirelessly work to be “loving and tolerant” of things that will hurt their own families and dishonor God. And the crazy thing is, I think most of them really do love America. But they don’t realize that in all their misguided efforts, they’re actually digging her grave.
On Nov. 6, those who vote will choose life or death for our many of our freedoms in this land. This presidential election outcome will have huge consequences. We have two men with very different ideas about what America should be. The right man could provide the fuel to get our country back on track, and the wrong man could prove to be the final nail in her coffin.
I can now speak from experience: Digging graves is hard work, especially when the name on the tombstone belongs to someone you love. Please don’t dig America’s grave. Learn the principles that have resulted in freedom, blessing and God’s protection for 400 years. If we love America, we can avoid her early death through personal repentance, family prayer and community action.
A wise president once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. … If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
On Nov. 6, get off the couch and vote for the man you believe will most protect the lives of unborn babies, will defend God’s design of marriage between a man and a woman and is most likely to hold back the flood of evil longest, to give you and I, as dads and moms, the most time to rebuild our country from the bottom up and the inside out, through the faithful training of our children.
May God bless you with wisdom during this critical time in our nation’s history.
Kirk Cameron is a Christian actor and evangelist who has partnered with Ray Comfort in their ministry The Way of the Master. He co-founded The Firefly Foundation with his wife, Chelsea Noble, and starred in the incredible feature films, “Fireproof” and “Monumental.”
I’d never dug a grave before. It’s exhausting work. My arms are tired. My back is sore. And when I was finished, it didn’t give me a great sense of accomplishment. The fully dug grave just left me feeling – sad.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of meeting with Glenn Beck in a private room at a very swanky hotel in Beverly Hills. He was gracious. He was kind. He asked about my family. We talked business, faith and the future of America. It was an impromptu coffee conversation that I will not soon forget. I like Glenn Beck. We discussed things that chilled my temperature to the core and then raised it back up to the boiling point.
Last evening, my wife and I enjoyed a quiet dinner for two, discussing the conversation I had with Glenn, when our daughter brought us news that something was wrong with our family dog. We went outside and found her lying in the backyard grass, unable to move. I literally felt her heart stop beating and her lungs deflate. It was an eerie feeling to watch something die. Tears and sobs flowed for the next hour while we all said “goodbye” to Sadie.
This morning, between soccer games, my son and I manfully dug Sadie’s grave. I wanted to dig it myself to honor “Old Faithful” for 14 years of companionship. When the kids return from their soccer games this afternoon, we’ll bury her.
I was happy to see my son with a shovel in his hands, eager to help me with the hard work. He did this because he loves Sadie.
Follow actor Kirk Cameron across Europe and the U.S. as he seeks to discover America’s true “national treasure” – the people, places, and principles that made America the freest, most prosperous and generous nation the world has ever known. Get “Monumental: In Search of America’s National Treasure” at the WND Superstore.
It’s weird. The whole thing made me think about our country. I look around my neighborhood. I see bumper stickers on cars, political signs planted on street corners, and I hear conversations at the coffee shop and soccer field that leave me feeling so – sad.
I have the eerie feeling that I’m watching my community and country dig their own graves. And they’re really killing themselves to do it. They’re putting a ton of effort into their work. They’re exhausting themselves to keep abortion legal. They think raising taxes and spending other people’s money is a good idea. They tirelessly work to be “loving and tolerant” of things that will hurt their own families and dishonor God. And the crazy thing is, I think most of them really do love America. But they don’t realize that in all their misguided efforts, they’re actually digging her grave.
On Nov. 6, those who vote will choose life or death for our many of our freedoms in this land. This presidential election outcome will have huge consequences. We have two men with very different ideas about what America should be. The right man could provide the fuel to get our country back on track, and the wrong man could prove to be the final nail in her coffin.
I can now speak from experience: Digging graves is hard work, especially when the name on the tombstone belongs to someone you love. Please don’t dig America’s grave. Learn the principles that have resulted in freedom, blessing and God’s protection for 400 years. If we love America, we can avoid her early death through personal repentance, family prayer and community action.
A wise president once said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. … If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
On Nov. 6, get off the couch and vote for the man you believe will most protect the lives of unborn babies, will defend God’s design of marriage between a man and a woman and is most likely to hold back the flood of evil longest, to give you and I, as dads and moms, the most time to rebuild our country from the bottom up and the inside out, through the faithful training of our children.
May God bless you with wisdom during this critical time in our nation’s history.
Kirk Cameron is a Christian actor and evangelist who has partnered with Ray Comfort in their ministry The Way of the Master. He co-founded The Firefly Foundation with his wife, Chelsea Noble, and starred in the incredible feature films, “Fireproof” and “Monumental.”
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