Chelsea Clinton is using her latest book tour to go on the political offensive — and what she just said about Ivanka Trump has left critics of former President Bill Clinton spitting mad.
Chelsea appeared on CBS’ “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on Monday, and turned her attention to the recent attacks against President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter. What she said was a spit in the face to Ivanka… and to women everywhere.
The former first daughter called Ivanka fair game for the press to attack regarding the accusations of lobbed at her father. Ivanka had called the media’s questioning of her “inappropriate” regarding her father’s accusers.
“I don’t think that’s a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father, I know my father, so I think I have that right as a daughter to believe my father,” Ivanka Trump told NBC’s Peter Alexander during an interview at the 2018 Winter Olympics.
“I think anyone who works for the president should expect to be scrutinized for whatever decisions not only he or she is making, but whatever decisions the White House is making on any given day,” Chelsea told host Stephen Colbert.
Of course, the liberal comedian didn’t push back on Chelsea’s thoughts on her own father’s numerous rape accusations.
Chelsea appeared on the show to promote her children’s book, “She Persisted Around The World.” Chelsea was sued over her original “She Persisted” book by Christopher Kimberley, an author who claimed Chelsea stole his idea almost word-for-word.
Since her mother’s failed presidential campaign, Chelsea’s series of children’s books about female empowerment have spent months on top of The New York Times bestseller list, making her very wealthy.
But for someone that claims to be a strong feminist, Chelsea is very quiet about certain rape accusers: Her father’s alleged victims.
Since writing her pro-woman books, she has appeared in hundreds of interviews promoting these books. Chelsea has been featured in television, radio, magazines, and newspapers around the world.
In all these interviews about female empowerment, not once has a media personality asked Chelsea about these alleged rape victims. But they’re eager to attack Ivanka over an accusation of infidelity from 12 years ago.
Does the media still consider Chelsea off-limits?
By her own admission, she’s outspoken in her “resistance” to the Trump administration.
What Chelsea said in response exposed both her and the mainstream media’s nasty hypocrisy.
So why doesn’t she face questions about Juanita Broaddrick, who says Bill Clinton violently raped her in a hotel room? Broaddrick has been outspoken about her alleged rape for decades… so where’s her mention in “She Persisted”?
Broaddrick hasn’t been mentioned by Chelsea, of course. And she won’t be mentioned until the media has the courage to ask Chelsea the same questions they ask Ivanka.
You can see Chelsea’s nasty comments here —
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