by: Tim Brown
It appears the government wants to hide the illegal actions it has taken, along with those of the Bureau of Land Management in the Bundy Ranch trial that is soon to begin.
On Tuesday, Prosecutors in Las Vegas filed a Motion In Limine in the case of The United States vs Cliven Bundy et al. They are hopeful that Nevada District Court Judge Gloria Navarro will allow the US central government to “cover-up” any wrong doing by Bureau Of Land Management agents during the 2014 Bundy Ranch siege.
An attorney for one of the defendants told Guerilla Media Network, "It’s a shocking blatant attempt by the Government to cover-up the brutal conduct of BLM agents that caused a near catastrophe in Bunkerville, Nevada during the impoundment of rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle."
Guerilla Media Network reports:
The motion is a draconian attempt at best to “protect” government agents from being exposed to further scrutiny during the upcoming Nevada trials in which they will be under-oath to tell the truth.
The defense in this case is centered around civil rights violations of the Bundy family and protestors who came to Bunkerville, Nevada to protest an overreaching government agency who had beaten and incarcerated Cliven Bundy’s son Dave Bundy and other protestors, used a stun gun on his son Ammon Bundy, viciously attacked Mr. Bundy’s sister Margaret, and terrorized peaceful protest with threat of snipers and military force.
Further the government which successfully used the idea that some of the defendants in the Oregon trial of the United States vs Ammon Bundy et al .. were also involved in the Bundy Ranch “armed” protest as a reason to deny them a pretrial release, now ask the Judge to not allow any reference to that case including the fact they were acquitted.
Here's a copy of the relevant portion of the motion.
"It is what it is and we will fight it," said Chris Rasmussen, attorney for reporter and radio show host Pete Santilli. "The government wishes to eliminate anything we could use that goes to the defendants' state of mind .. and we cannot allow that to happen. These people were frightened and there was a reason they reacted the way they did."
"Do we or do we not still live in America?" said former Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore on Tuesday in response to the motion. "One way or the other the truth will be told and I would like to see them stop me from voluntarily giving my testimony when this trial begins."
Fiore has already told about some of the evidence that is known to exist concerning the criminal BLM, including audio and video from body cameras
See Video: https://youtu.be/oC-YIyWBYmQ
This doesn't begin to include the fact that the BLM engaged in the same actions that landed Dwight and Steven Hammond in prison.
See video: https://youtu.be/2zvrrQbjepc
Additionally, no one at Bundy Ranch did anything like what the BLM did, which you can see here.
Carol Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s wife, reacted in a similar manner, "So what kind of defense are we allowed to have if we can’t tell the truth? Because if the Government has it’s way it looks like we will not be allowed to have any defense at all."
The central government has been at the center of coverups. Among them have been Waco
I met with Santilli on Saturday at the Southern Nevada Detention Center and he informed me that he believes with the evidence they have, that everyone should be acquitted of the charges against them.
He went on to state to GMN:
Sure, they would love it if we all just went into this trial docile and defeated, not willing to fight them, but that just isn’t going to happen. The Bureau of Land Management went to Bundy Ranch with a clear disdain and lack of respect for the Bundy Family. Dan Loves Objective fell just short of scorched earth policy; We can prove it, they know it and they are very, very afraid of that. As I see it, we have them right where we want them, why would they file such a ludicrous Motion otherwise? This Motion has the “BLM is guilty” written all over it and I for one think that’s great news.
If the Government gets it’s way and eliminates the fact that Daniel P Love gave agents the authority to beat up on Bundy Family members and was not acting in a rational way during the impoundment, if the Jury is not allowed to hear what elected officials told Love in response to his brutal actions, and if there was never any reason whatsoever for protestors to be in fear for their lives, then I believe any Jury worth it’s salt is going to be very suspect as to the validity of this case. I mean, if nobody did anything wrong, then why the hell are we having a trial?
Judge Navarro has demonstrated that she is just as corrupt as the BLM and the politicians surrounding what is going on in Nevada. Just look at what she has done to Santilli and Cliven Bundy. Does anyone really believe she is not going to accept this motion?
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