
by: Navy Jack
In previous articles I have reviewed the planned activities of the ANSWER Coalition, #DisruptJ20 and the ANTIFA during the week leading up to the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States. In this article we will review a new and even more dangerous organization, Refuse Fascism, which has stated their intent to stop the inauguration and prevent Donald Trump from becoming President.
On the surface this stated goal may seem unclear, but when you review their action plan you find the following:“It is true that the current widespread opposition to this fascist regime could end up becoming deeply disoriented, demoralized, and decimated through repression. But it is also true that the current angst and outrage could be transformed, in a very short, telescoped period of time, into resistance which reaches such massive proportions, and is characterized by such a depth of determination, that it actually creates a ‘crisis of rule,’ and prevents the Trump/Pence fascist regime from consolidating its hold on the governance of society.”
“And this must be done before this regime officially takes power, isolates and crushes opposition, and moves forcefully to implement its fascist program. The aim must be nothing less than to create such a profound political crisis before the intended inauguration (January 20, 2017) that the fascist regime is actually not able to take the reins of government.”

“As 2011 dawned, President Hosni Mubarak had ruled Egypt for decades and seemed to be immovably implanted in power. But Mubarak was forced to leave office and actually arrested after being confronted by massive demonstrations that braved very severe repression, focused in the main square in Cairo, along with opposition from all sectors of society manifesting in different ways. From the time of the first demonstrations to the removal of Mubarak took less than a month.”
Refuse Fascism is promoting riots as a method to achieve their stated goals, suggesting the need for much larger events than the massively destructive and deadly riots that occurred in Ferguson, MO and Baltimore, MD.
“These protests could be something with the character of the protests against police murder over the past few years… but larger by several orders of magnitude and even more determined. Such protests would have to have the effect of figuratively ‘stopping society in its tracks’…”Clearly this organization has crossed the line and its leadership should be arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit treason, conspiracy to incite violence and other charges as appropriate. If the Obama Justice Department and the FBI does not immediately move to halt their schemes, we will know that they are complicit. One of the demands of this organization will be to stop the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States and hold new elections. We also know that in the past week, the DHS has made the unprecedented move to inject Federal oversight of the election systems. While these items could be a coincidence, it is certainly suspicious timing with President Obama having less than 10 days remaining in office.
The key element of the Refuse Fascism argument for new elections is the CIA sponsored propaganda related to Russian interference in the U.S. Presidential Election. This “fake news” appears to be integrally connected with their overthrow plot and could indicate some level of cooperation. The level of deception contained in the most recent two reports alleging Russian interference in the election is quite remarkable. I suggest the following article from ZeroHedge is a responsible overview of the issues.
The Refuse Fascism leadership is the “who’s who” of Communist and Islamic Revolutionaries, including:
- Carl Dix, Founding Member Revolutionary Communist Party USA
- Bill Ayers, Founder and Leader of the Weather Underground
- Imam Aiyub Abdul-Baki, Justice Committee, Islamic Leadership Council
- Marc Lamont Hill, CNN
- Ed Asner, actor
- Rosie O’Donnell, comedian, actor
- Margaret Cho, comedian, actor
“The Nicaragua Network was the leading Nicaragua solidarity organization in the 1980s after the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution over the US-backed Somoza dictatorship. Tens of thousands of current and former activists throughout the progressive movement cut their activist teeth on coffee or cotton picking brigades to Nicaragua or by building schools, health clinics and houses in Nicaragua and witnessing directly the consequences of US imperialism, but also the courage of ordinary people who were fighting back.”
“Sandinistas always told the Nicaragua Network, “What you can do to most help us is to change your own government.” We took that instruction to heart in 1990 when the Sandinistas lost an election due to overwhelming US interference and funding as well as the Nicaraguan peoples’ exhaustion from nine years of the US-sponsored Contra terrorist war.”
The Alliance for Global Justice receives funding from a number of left-wing philanthropies, including George Soros‘s Open Society Institute and the Tides Foundation.
All information that our Operation Hypo team has collected, including video, audio, planning documents and personnel rosters will be delivered to the DC Metropolitan Police Department and other authorities as appropriate.

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