
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trump’s Phone Call With Egypt Might Change How You Feel about Him Forever

President Obama has repeatedly used his position to undermine his enemies. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, Obama goes and does something so vile, all you can do is shake your head.
Recently Obama stabbed our closest allies in the back by abstaining from voting at the UN Security Council. There are 15 members of the council, five of which have permanent positions. The US has one of the permanent positions so when UN Resolution 2334 was put forth with 14 members deciding to slap Israel with what pretty much amounts to a restraining order, one would expect the US to stand with our closest ally.
The US has one of the permanent positions.  When UN Resolution 2334 was put forth with 14 members deciding to slap Israel with a restraining order, one would expect the US to stand with our closest ally.

But not Obama.
Obama took the closest knife and plunged it deep into Israel’s back by refusing to vote. If this sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve seen it before. When Obama was a Senator, he voted present on so many votes that by the time he started running for President, his “present” vote outweighed his ‘Yay’ or ‘Nay’ vote by the hundreds. And for some reason he still won.
And, in this instance, a vote of abstaining was just as bad as a vote against Israel because America did not stand with our ally.
Which is why Donald Trump’s call was so powerful and timely.
On Friday, Egypt said its president had received a call from Trump in which they both agreed to give the incoming U.S. administration a chance to try and resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The call came hours after Egypt indefinitely postponed the U.N. vote.

A statement from the Egyptian presidency said the two men spoke by phone early Friday and agreed on “the importance of giving a chance for the new American administration to deal in a comprehensive way with the different aspects of the Palestinian issue with the aim of achieving a comprehensive and a final resolution.”
One of the glaring reasons Obama has been so unsuccessful as a President is his cowardice. He voted present more often than speaking his position. He abstained when it mattered. He stabs people in the back as opposed to facing them on challenging issues. Donald Trump, love him or hate him, is wading into the frey, rolling up his sleeves, and getting things done.
This is one reason he’s been so successful. He tells it like it is, calls BS on political correctness, and challenges the status quo. He’s certainly not going to get into office on January 20th and immediately go on an apology tour for the United States. Trump’s definitely not going to roll over when it’s his neck on the line.
What do you think of Obama’s cowardly move against Israel? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: American Patriot Daily

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