by: Michael Walsh
She really is this tiresome:
A source at the Fox News Channel tells Breitbart News that staff at the network hope Megyn Kelly will leave soon. “Everybody in the building is sick of it. We absolutely can’t stand it anymore,” the source said. “This ‘all me, all the time’ tour, ‘I’m the victim,’ ‘I’m going to be poisoned,’ is getting really old.”(The “poisoned” remark refers to rumors that Kelly had been poisoned before the first presidential debate in 2015 — a rumor she appears to deny in her new memoir, Settle for More.)
The source added: “Go. We don’t care. Leave. You want to be friends with Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon? Go to CNN. Have fun.”
There are rumors that Kelly may leave for CNN — and Vanity Fairreported Thursday that Kelly is also considering a move to ABC. In both cases, she is rumored to be considering salary offers less than the $20 million that Fox has reportedly offered her to stay, in exchange for more advantageous working conditions.
Why anyone would pay her anything but scale to snark and preen into the camera is beyond me.
Megyn Kelly's Feminist Bias
Having failed in her primary mission to take down Donald Trump in an early debate, Kelly has been an albatross around Fox's neck ever since. They should just cut her loose and see what the market offers.There are also worries at Fox about Kelly’s book sales, according to the source. After debuting at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list in mid-November, Kelly’s memoir has fallen to #4 in just a few weeks, and sold fewer than 150,000 units through its first three weeks, according to the most recent figures available from Publishers Weekly. HarperCollins — which, like Fox News, is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation — paid Kelly a reported $6 million advance.Six million bucks, for what? There's no way the book earns out at that rate. The sooner real publishers like HarperCollins stop throwing advance money at talking heads and return to the real business of publishing, the better off this country will be. No need to encourage tireless self-promoters when there are real writers to support.
UPDATE: This just in: a Megyn-Ailes movie?
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