
Monday, October 31, 2016

Chicago Tribune Tells Hillary To Leave Race

by:Andrew West 
Hillary Clinton is quite possibly the least popular presidential candidate of all time, and the Chicago Tribune is jumping on that bandwagon.  

In an election unlike any other election in modern history, the American people must choose between two supremely disliked candidates in Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  With Clinton, you inherit a sea of corruption and collusion worthy of the admonishment of the Chicago Tribune. 

“Just a couple of months ago, the Chicago Tribune was writing glaring stories of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and placing her on a bully pulpit for everyone to see and admire. How times have changed. Hillary has proven to everyone that she has no real sense of right and wrong. She appeases what’s in front of her instead of having any convictions. That’s why there are two answers; she can’t remember. Any law-abiding citizen should be appalled our leaders are so corrupt! 

“On Saturday evening, the Tribune asked Hillary to step down after the entire circus that has followed her to included an FBI investigation that was just re-opened on Friday with new possible evidence. Clinton has proven to everyone that she has no real sense of right and wrong. She appeases what’s in front of her instead of having any convictions. Any law-abiding citizen should be appalled our leaders are so corrupt!”

The Tribune is not wrong to ask this of Hillary Clinton.  Her corruption is the epitome of what is wrong with the federal government, and she is the very essence of the out of control politicians who are exploiting America for their own personal gain.
You can read more here.

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