Just when you thought the Clinton’s couldn’t get any shadier… they’ve done it again.
Former President Bill Clinton abused a government program to subsidize the income of the controversial Clinton Foundation and provide federal payouts to aides and cronies, an investigation has revealed.
Those taxpayer dollars were also used to set up Hillary Clinton’s controversial private email server.
The unsecured server that was in the basement of the Clinton’s house – the one that has been at the center of
Hillary Clinton’s scandals during her presidential campaign – was paid for with your tax dollars.
The funds were accessed through Bill Clinton’s pension, and used to line the pockets of multiple Clinton Foundation staffers in the form of juicy salary bumps, and highly-coveted health and retirement benefits. Of the 22 staffers the Clinton’s paid with the government funds, at least 13 also worked for the Clinton Foundation.
One of them was Bill’s aide Justin Cooper — the man who helped set up the infamous email server.
The Clintons were allotted these funds through the 1958 Former Presidents Act, which was inspired by Harry S. Truman financial struggles following his presidency. The Act entitles ex-presidents to pension, staff and office expenses, medical care, and Secret Service protection, paid for through a taxpayer financed General Services Administration (GSA) fund.
oped: Congress needs to revisit this bill...Former Presidents should only be entitled to 2 years of Secret Service protection after leaving office..after that they should have to pay for their own protection...as for Staff and Office expenses...same applies 2 years then they must pay...as for Medical Care, 2 years via Military after leaving office...then they must go on Medicare ( or pay for their own Premium Medical Insurance) like the rest of us old farts!
““The program supplemented the income of Clinton’s staff, while providing them with coveted federal government benefits, alleviating the need for the Clinton Foundation or other Clinton-linked entities to foot the bill for such benefits. Similarly, Clinton aides got the GSA to pay for computer technology used partly by the foundation,” Politico reports.
Since leaving the Oval Office, Bill Clinton has cashed out more from this taxpayer-funded endowment than any other president in history. In addition to his own payday checks, over the years Clinton staffers and cronies have requested allocations totaling $16 million from the GSA fund — despite Bill and Hillary Clinton’s private net worth being $111 million.
According to Politico, “That’s more than any of the other living former presidents — Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush — requested during that span.”
Although Bill’s actions aren’t illegal, they offer startling insight into the unethical, “me first” mentality the Clinton’s both possess.
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s lack of hesitation to personally benefit their government positions, their alarming willingness to do anything to ‘beat the system’ is consistently startling – and it is proof they are unfit for office.
— The Horn editorial team
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