I am addressing the looney left retards,the millennials,the progressives,libertarian/vegetarians et al ...RINOS included! I'm going to take the above meme a step further...
Bottom line I survived all life threw at me ...I grew up during Happy Days when boys were boys and girls were girls...no confusion...we lived ,we loved.we played,we laughed, we cried and yes we survived life just fine without government intervention...like the old saying..."No pain no Gain" true today as it was and has been for all time ...time tested and proven! I'm in my golden years now and still fighting the good fight...give me freedom or give me death...yup our founders instilled this in us...we are now living in a age when those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it...our schools have been taken over by the inmates who are now running the proverbial asylum...hows that working out for y'all? Pretty bad eh?
We need a return to Happy Days/American Graffiti and allow our children to grow up in a normal atmosphere where competition directs how one will turn out and survive what life throws at us...another true quote " Life is like a Box of Chocolates...ya never know what you will get" and to be totally honest half the fun is getting there on our own!
At any rate enjoy the following vid it just about sums up my generation: https://youtu.be/OZ9Gp6Qc8LQ
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