When I was writing the story the other day about how a whistleblower had revealed that another 238,000 veterans died on waiting lists, after reading the day before that 1/3 of all Obama’s Muslim Refugees in Vermont and a few in other locations have Tuberculosis, one of the most lethal infectious diseases in history, i was furious when I read the VA had finally approved sex change operations after all these years.
Before I became totally unglued about how distorted Obama’s priorities are, I started digging around for stories dealing with The Twenty Fifth Amendment, which can relieve a President from office for being “Mentally ill.” As you’ll learn in the first video below, back in 2015 a former NSA intelligence analyst claimed that a senior European diplomat told him that the entire government of a European country considers president Obama to be literally mentally unwell.
John Schindler, a security expert and whistleblower who now writes for The Daily Beast, has claimed that a senior EU official from an undisclosed country also inquired about impeachment proceedings, saying that the nation believes Obama is not fit for office. Schindler tweeted out the revelation Monday:
The wording indicates that the opinion is not that of a single person, but rather the whole government of whichever European country the diplomat is from. What’s crazy about that, is Schindler is a former U.S. Naval War College lecturer and is known to have many high level military and government contacts. In other words, he’s credible.
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