oped: Dunno about y'all but I'm thinking this old school flat head V-8 is firing on 4 cylinders now...long overdue for Billy Bob to retire and fade off into the sunset with Hillary in tow! After serving time for all the crimes they committed!
By National ENQUIRER Staff
Hillary Clinton is seeing her presidential campaign melting down again as former Prez Bill Clinton went off-message in California! The troubled Democrat has been trying to downplay the Republican candidacy of Donald Trump — even saying that she was "not gonna be responding" to the Republican candidate bringing up charges of sexual assault against her husband! Bill, however, alarmed insiders again by declaring in California that he's "not interested in" going after the presumed Republican nominee. The confused candidate then brought up Trump three times!
It was the latest bizarre gaffe from Bill, and happened just days after a renewed scandal over an alleged mistress. Bill had also just caused international turmoil by going into a rant where he declared that Poland and Hungary felt that “democracy is too much trouble.” The aspiring First Husband even accused the countries of seeking out “Putin-like leadership.” The bizarre statements even had Jarosław Kaczyński — Poland's most powerful political leader — declaring: “If someone feels that there is no democracy in Poland, they should be medically examined.”
"This is the moment that the Hillary campaign has been dreading,"
said an insider. "Bill's already seemed dazed and confused on the
campaign trail. Now he has to take on Donald Trump, who's finally
bringing up the sexual assault charges
against Bill — just as Hillary's top people warned her was going to
happen! She needs him to raise money and get people excited, but poor
Bill is panicking. It could be a real disaster if he keeps trying to go
after Trump!"
The National ENQUIRER
first reported in February that Hillary's campaign feared an outspoken
opponent that would shred Bill's credibility over multiple sex scandals!
Television host and pundit Joe Scarborough said: “I
will tell you who is horrified right now. Bill Clinton is horrified at
the prospect of every time Hillary Clinton bringing up women’s issues,
Donald Trump puts out an Instagram ad — and by the end of the campaign, Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton are synonymous!"
Shocked political insiders were already talking about a different Bill
Clinton on the campaign trail this year — with cranky Clinton (already
embattled by new charges of cocaine use)
telling a former Marine to "shut up and listen!" "Sometimes he seems
dazed," said a veteran journalist following the campaign. "Sometimes he
just seems tired, and sometimes you get the feeling he wants Hillary to lose the nomination so this whole thing can be over!"
Insiders agree that these combined pressures — plus Bill's failing
health — might explain the lack of enthusiasm that he's shown on the
campaign trail. "Bill's clearly tired," said a party member, "and he
didn't anticipate that he'd have to worry about Bernie Sanders as a
Democratic opponent — let alone a fearless Republican candidate who's
ready to remind the public that Hillary's husband has been accused of
all kinds of sexual assault!"
Longtime fans of Bill were shocked to see the former President looking
dazed and confused at a Tucson, Ariz. appearance during a Hillary
Clinton campaign rally. The formerly vigorous campaigner wandered around
a stage while former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband,
Mark Kelly, addressed the crowd."Bill seemed totally lost," said a
veteran political reporter who witnessed the event. "He'd drift from
side to side, and was aimlessly working his mouth like someone with
A "dazed" Bill also ruined his wife's Super Tuesday victories by
possibly violating election laws! Workers at polling places for the
presidential primaries had to be alerted that Hillary's husband was
wandering to election sites and making personal appearances — despite
rules in every state that dictate politicians have to campaign a set
distance from where voting takes place!
“We had to remind some of our poll workers that even a president can’t
go inside and work a polling place,” said William F. Galvin, the
Massachusetts secretary of state. That was after Bill had already made
two very questionable campaign appearances in Massachusetts.
The ENQUIRER revealed in September 2009 that Clinton was fighting
Parkinson’s disease — a brain illness highlighted by worsening tremors
of the arms, legs, jaws and face. Some sources have told The ENQUIRER
that they're now wondering if Bill can even survive campaigning in an
unexpectedly tight election!
“Bill is clearly not the same person he was a year ago, or even six
months ago,” a political spy told The ENQUIRER at the start of the year.
"He is much slower physically, and he suffers periodic mental lapses" —
adding: "It’s just devastating to see him like this!"
See More disturbing photos: http://www.nationalenquirer.com/photos/bill-clinton-sexual-assault-health-charges-election/photo/158966/
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