“There Are No More Hotel Beds At All”
Sweden’s Tourism Industry and Economy Will Collapse Because its Government has Commandeered its Resorts into Refugee Centers.
According to Swedish News, SvD Näringsliv, Sweden’s tourism industry could be easily wiped out this summer because of its government’s deliberate pursuit of already proven failed immigration policies. Sweden’s Migration Board decided to transform popular, expensive, even elite tourist locations into asylum centers for Islamic migrants. The economic cost to individual business owners, private companies, families, individuals, and Sweden’s overall economy is catastrophic.Sweden’s tourism industry brings in $32 billion per year, excluding the additional $12 billion tourists spend on food, entertainment, and transportation. Instead, its citizens’ welfare is about to receive a final blow because the government has turned over roughly 80,000 spots in hotels, hostels, and resorts– that normally would be filled by paying tourists– to non-paying Islamic migrants.
In fact, tourism is the primary generator of income, and employment and economic growth compared to Sweden’s overall labor market trend:
The Board’s decision to replace its most reliable source of income with non-working, non-taxpaying citizens arriving to automatically go on welfare, will cost Sweden roughly $45 billion.
The English translation of the SvD article reads:
“Neither the Migration Board, Visit Sweden (Visit Småland) and the hotel and restaurant industry’s own trade association Visita provide information about the loss of the former tourist facilities, which is why local tourism organizations are now uncertain about summer supply. In some municipalities, there will be no hotel beds at all,” says Lena Larsson, CEO of Smaland Tourism.
One regularly filled tourist location is Astrid Lindgren, which provides quality accommodations to guests in a cottage and hostel. Instead, they will be flooded with “refugees.” The changes are so significant that Visit Småland is looking throughout Sweden to find locations to house refugees. In light of the increased crime that correlates with increased numbers of migrants, no government statements have been offered about increasing security for residents, guest house owners and managers, and their families.
Imagine this idilic spot being overrun by non-Western Islamist men who behave as if rape is a normal part of life:
According to Lars-Eric Fields, president of Södra Bohuslän tourism, the overwhelming migrant influx will easily displace and prevent tourists from visiting some of Sweden’s most popular destinations. Vacationers will not be able to stay at the Socialite House “Batellet” on the island of Marstrand or at the City Hotel in Lysekil, which the Migration Board already turned into accommodations for refugees. Fields also points out that many of the larger facilities, like mansions and conference centers also have been commandeered by the Migration Board, and most likely will never be returned to their original state.
It’s important to note, these accommodations are not state-run facilities– they are privately owned businesses being taken over by the government to house refugees, causing great financial losses for and at the expense of Swedish citizens, and nearly putting a nail in the coffin Sweden’s inevitable bankruptcy– because of its failed immigration policy.In the south, the beautiful resort, Bokenäs Hav Spa Möten, owned by two foundations within the Volvo groups, and members of Svenska Möten and Svenska Spa hotel— will be rented out to the Migration Board– for refugees.
One of the many unanswered questions for the Migration Board– is how does it plan to offset $45 billion in losses that would have been generated from seasonal income from tourism? And how will the ripple effects be counter-acted? Less tourists affect nearby villages of major resort spots. Popular hiking regions, nature preserves, or cultural destinations, like the Håverud Aqueduct, will all be negatively impacted.
Imagine this historic canal and aqueduct being destroyed and overrun by Islamist migrants:
Not to mention already incurred losses these tourist destinations have already incurred this winter season.
The Swedish Tourist Association reported that 15 hostels already served as asylum centers over the winter, including Farosund– and they have not yet been told if they can re-open to tourists or continue being used by Immigration Services for “asylum accommodation.”
Why is the Swedish government willing to lose its primary source of income? Why is it willing to potentially put out of business roughly 160,000 people? What positive contribution, and how, do Swedish authorities believe 160,000 Islamist migrants will offer to their country’s culture, economy, and way of life?
Even after the disastrous outcomes of Sweden’s immigration policies, its government still took in 160,000 refugee and asylum seekers in 2015. This is the same number of Swedes already employed by the tourism industry who may lose their livelihoods because of these policies.
Yet, still, the Migration Board stated it needs to renew contracts for 60,000 spots and expand capacity to hold an additional 20,000 spots for a total of 96,000 asylum beds this summer.
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