oped: This post is for all the Looney Left Progressives as well as the weak kneed RINOS who have embraced the Obama Administration,Islam and the LGBT movement et al...Y'all had better pray the Conservative movement on the right wins this election cycle and restores the USA to the values we were built on Christian/Judeo... To be blunt if'n y'all win you will usher in your own demise at the hands of the New Caliphate (Return of the Ottoman Empire [They are laughing at your stupidity~and call you useful idiots]...and don't expect we the people who adhere to the US Constitution,Bill of Rights and embrace the #OathKeeper creed to come to your rescue we will be too busy protecting our own...You are now on notice ...Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it!
Start here if you are so inclined to learn...if not you are on your own!
By Raymond Ibrahim
April 24 marks the “Great Crime,” that is, the Armenian genocide that took place under Turkey’s Islamic Ottoman Empire, during and after WWI. Out of an approximate population of two million, some 1.5 million Armenians died. If early 20th century Turkey had the apparatuses and technology to execute in mass—such as 1940s Germany’s gas chambers—the entire Armenian population may well have been annihilated. Most objective American historians who have studied the question unequivocally agree that it was a deliberate, calculated genocide:
More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution, starvation, disease, the harsh environment, and physical abuse. A people who lived in eastern Turkey for nearly 3,000 years [more than double the amount of time the invading Islamic Turks had occupied Anatolia, now known as “Turkey”] lost its homeland and was profoundly decimated in the first large-scale genocide of the twentieth century. At the beginning of 1915 there were some two million Armenians within Turkey; today there are fewer than 60,000…. Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide, eyewitness accounts, official archives, photographic evidence, the reports of diplomats, and the testimony of survivors, denial of the Armenian Genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has gone on from 1915 to the present.Indeed, evidence has been overwhelming. U.S. Senate Resolution 359 from 1920 heard testimony that included evidence of “[m]utilation, violation, torture, and death [which] have left their haunting memories in a hundred beautiful Armenian valleys, and the traveler in that region is seldom free from the evidence of this most colossal crime of all the ages.” In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped and thrown into a harem (which agrees with Islam’s rules of war). Unlike thousands of other Armenian girls who were discarded after being defiled, she managed to escape. In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 Christian girls crucified: “Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands, only their hair blown by the wind, covered their bodies.” Such scenes were portrayed in the 1919 documentary film Auction of Souls, some of which is based on Mardiganian's memoirs....Continue reading to see how the Armenian genocide may be the tragic culmination of the current persecution of Christians under Islam, some of which has indeed reached genocidal proportions.
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