The following is from
“During Fox News’ live coverage of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis’ release from prison, anchor Shepard Smith suddenly
spoke over the press conference to chastise Davis and those who
supported her decision to refuse to issue gay marriage licenses.
“‘They set this up as a religious play
again,’ he said. ‘This is the same crowd that says, “We don’t want
Sharia law, don’t let them tell us what to do, keep their religion out
of our lives and out of our government.” Well, here we go again.’”
There’s the race card, the war on women
card, and now the Sharia Law card. when you can't argue the facts,
history, logic, and moral absolutes, all you have left is a stacked debt
of clichés.
Opposing same-sex sexuality is hardly unique to Sharia Law. Prior to just a few years ago, opposition to same-sex sexuality was almost universal. Even President Obama was against same-sex sexuality and nobody ever equated his stance as equivalent to Sharia law.
If we follow Shepard Smith’s logic, any law that is shared with Islam and advocates of Sharia law must be rejected.
Opposing same-sex sexuality is hardly unique to Sharia Law. Prior to just a few years ago, opposition to same-sex sexuality was almost universal. Even President Obama was against same-sex sexuality and nobody ever equated his stance as equivalent to Sharia law.
If we follow Shepard Smith’s logic, any law that is shared with Islam and advocates of Sharia law must be rejected.
Really? Christianity also teaches that
murder, stealing, committing perjury, tripping blind people, moving your
neighbor's boundary marker are also wrong. These are shared by most if
not all religions. For example, the implications of the eighth
commandment, “You shall not steal,” finds various applications. Here’s
one from the state of Georgia that is applicable to property cases and
surveys used to delineate boundary markers:
“Iron pins are a common and useful means
of identifying property corners and they and other similar monuments
serve a useful purpose. The installation and maintenance of permanent
monuments identifying land corners even preserves the good order of
society itself. From earliest times the law not only authorized but
protected landmarks. Interference with landmarks of another was a
violation of the Mosaic law. See Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17; Job 24:2;
Proverbs 22:28; 23:10. (256 Ga. 54, International Paper Realty Company v. Bethune. No. 43092. Supreme Court of Georgia, June 10, 1986).”
So if Islam teaches that is wrong to
move a neighbor's boundary markers, we in the United States must abolish
the law? Should we cleanse our judicial system of this and other
civilization-building laws as well?
What standard is Shepard Smith going to use? The standard of five unelected judges?
What standard is Shepard Smith going to use? The standard of five unelected judges?
Adolf Hitler promoted the idea of a ‘Peoples Car.’ We know it as the Volkswagen.
“The Volkswagen was a centerpiece of
Nazism’s claims to benefit ordinary Germans. Hitler proposed to build a
cheap car that almost anyone could afford. He gave it the name ‘KdF
Wagen,’ which we know as the Volkswagen. . . . As early as 1934, he had
talked with the most famous German automotive engineer Dr. Porsche about
carrying out his thinking, and given him the commission to undertake
the construction of the German Volkswagen.”
If you drive a Volkswagen (or a Porsche) . . . you must be a Nazi sympathizer. Perfect logic, according to Shepard Smith
People like Shepard Smith have no moral anchor. They can’t account for what’s morally right or wrong given their hostility to Christianity. All they can do is poison the well by making a comparison to Sharia law. If he and others get their way, a poisoned society will be the result.

People like Shepard Smith have no moral anchor. They can’t account for what’s morally right or wrong given their hostility to Christianity. All they can do is poison the well by making a comparison to Sharia law. If he and others get their way, a poisoned society will be the result.
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