oped: Indeed see: http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2015/08/military-experts-iran-already-has.html
Most likely a attack on the USA would be EMP: Assisted by Russia/China
An attack on Israel most likely a tactical mini-nuke:
“The Democrats who have approved this
deal are turning their party into a party of atom bomb spies. . . They
must know that they will be held accountable. That when Iran detonates
its first bomb, their names will be on it.” —Daniel Greenfield, writing
for FrontPageMag.com
What Is Treason, Exactly?
To quote from Article III, Section 3, of
the US Constitution, “Treason against the United States, shall consist
only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies,
giving them Aid and Comfort.” So, any person who makes war against
America, or who aids and abets others in doing so, is a traitor to the
United States. If someone’s actions have the effect of weakening the
power of the United States to attack or to resist its enemies, then it
can be safely said that aid and comfort have been given.
You can generally only be charged with
treason during times of war, but is there any doubt that the Iranian
takeover of the American embassy, in 1979, constituted an act of war?
Since there has never been a peace treaty with Iran to formally conclude
hostilities, and since Iran was actively fighting and killing US
military personnel during the Iraq War, it is safe to say that a state
of war continues to exist between Iran and the United States of
America. Thus, any members of Congress accepting Iranian money, in
exchange for their votes to weaken American and strengthen Iran, are
outright traitors.
The Deal
This deal is, in short, Obama and Kerry’s
capitulation to Iran. The deal is in Iran’s national interest, even
while harming the national interest of the United States. But this
should come as no surprise, since the deal was negotiated by traitors
and will pass with the help of traitors. “Traitor” is not a word to be
used lightly, and it is not used lightly here.
A Roll-Call of Traitors
The following politicians have all accepted money from the Iran Lobby
(which includes the Iranian American Political Action Committee, the
American Iranian Council, the Iranian Muslim Association, Hassan
Nemazee, Akbar Ghahary, and possibly others) in exchange for their
support in negotiating or passing the Iran Deal:1) Barack Obama, Democrat, President of the United States of America;
2) John Kerry, Democrat, Secretary of State;
3) Edward Markey, Democrat, Junior US Senator from Massachusetts;
4) Al Franken, Democrat, US Senator from Minnesota;
5) Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat, Senator from New Hampshire;
6) Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat, Senator from New York;
7) Hillary Clinton, Democrat, Former Secretary of State;
8) Joe Biden, Democrat, Vice President of the United States of America.
(Read more details about this at Front Page Mag.)
Closing Remarks
The presence on the list of President
Obama—who facilitates infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our
country and into the Executive Branch of the US government—is no
surprise. (Read more about this infiltration here: http://eaglerising.com/14886/obamas-facilitation-muslim-brotherhood-infiltration-america/.)
Nor is the appearance of the name of John Kerry, who negotiated the
Iran Deal, in spite of his being vulnerable to blackmail. (Read more
about Kerry’s feckless failure to recuse himself as lead negotiator
here: http://eaglerising.com/22008/anatomy-of-a-betrayal-how-the-blackmail-influenced-the-iran-deal/.)
And, given Hillary’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood through Huma
Abedin, perhaps it is not surprising that her name is also on the list.
(Read more about this connection here: http://eaglerising.com/8011/hillary-huma-muslim-brotherhood/.)
But, with Joe Biden’s name also appearing the list, what credible
contender can the Democrats field for the presidency in 2016?
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