
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Dear Idiot Gun-Grabbers, Women Need Guns More Than You


Have you heard the very sad story of New Jersey’s Carol Bowne, the woman who was murdered by her crazy ex-boyfriend… while awaiting her gun permit? It was such a heartbreaking case, even RINO Governor Chris Christie is changing his gun-control stance as a result.
Yet amid this tragedy, there’s an underlying issue this incident exposes that no one wants to talk about. Because if you do, you’re sexist. Or racist. Or some kind of other “-ist”… but I’m brave. So here goes it.
Men and women are different. 

Boom. There. I said it.
Somewhere along the line, feminism decided that what women really need is to be treated exactly like men, to pretend that despite science and biology, we’re no different from them. We’ve demanded equal treatment and, in the process, rejected much of the best of womanhood – like gentle persuasion, motherly kindness, and anything that makes us appear somehow “weak,” “delicate,” or “less” than a man.

Except none of these things make us less then men. We never were and never will be. But we are different.
And when we reject those differences, people get hurt.
As a general rule, men are stronger than women. We’re built differently. (Get over it.)
If a man decides he wants to overpower a woman, he’s most likely going to be able to do it. Unless that woman has been trained in really, really powerful self-defense methods… or is equipped with a firearm. And frankly, most women, even if they possess basic self-defense skills, will remain powerless against a male assailant.
The only thing that really gives a woman a fighting chance to defend herself? A gun.
“But what if the rapist has a gun? Then what?” Well then, she better shoot first.
When 2nd Amendment rights are restricted, the people most negatively affected are women.
In New York City – one of the most anti-gun cities in the entire US – a 911 call regarding domestic violence is made every two minutes. That’s 700 calls a day, or 263,207 calls a year. Just in New York City. 39 people, most of them women, were murdered in New York by a spouse or partner in 2012. That’s 9.3 percent of the city’s 419 total murders that year.
You want to empower women? Train them in the proper use of a firearm, and watch what happens. 34-year-old Dietta Gueye of Detroit made news last week when she singlehandedly held off 5 home invaders with her handgun. Check out her story.

We pray for Carol Bowne’s family, and we also hope to never see another story like hers. What we need are more stories like Dietta’s, stories of women who’ve been truly empowered, who know how to use a gun, aren’t afraid to fight the bad guys, can protect themselves… and in doing so, maybe even bring a little more justice to the world.
But that won’t happen until liberals get their hands off our guns.

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