
Monday, May 18, 2015

Charles Krauthammer Beautifully Explains Why Hillary is so Unlikable


Hillary Clinton is just flat-out unlikable. From complete tone-deafness of important political issues (“What difference does it make?”) to a demeanor that blatantly betrays a quality that puts her out-of-touch with middle America, Hillary is not only a disaster when it comes to policies; she’s a PR nightmare.
As the former First lady-turned-Senator-turned-Secretary of State continues to augment her public profile with the release of her new book, Hillary is still baffling conservatives who continue to wonder why she remains a public figure when so much of what she says is ridiculous.
Case-in-point: Hillary has recently earned scorn from actual struggling Americans after she claimed that she and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the White House. While it is true that the Clintons emerged from the taxpayer-funded residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it’s also true that “dead broke” hardly describes their situation. 

In fact, the Clintons held two lavish, multimillion-dollar homes, something that many who are “dead broke” could not really identify with.
Even Politifact called Clinton out for her assertion, saying, “A few weeks before they left the White House, the Clintons were able to muster a cash down payment of $855,000 and secure a $1.995 million mortgage. This hardly fits the common meaning of ‘dead broke.’”
The gaffe would have been bad enough, except that former Clinton aide Kiki McLean, who served as a senior adviser for Hillary’s 2008 presidential run, explained that the claim was true because she and Bill had an expectation of extravagance. 

“There’s nothing fair with anybody who would insinuate that Hillary Clinton doesn’t understand the struggle of a middle class family,” McLean said. “She certainly grew up with one. And she gave a statement of fact when President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton left the White House, they were dead broke. Now, they have a life and a set of expectations that are different, and they’ve been fortunate to make some money.”  

Oh- well, there you have it; she was “dead broke” because she was not getting the level of extravagance to which she had become accustomed.
On Tuesday, Fox News’ Charles Krauthammer bluntly outlined exactly why Hillary is so unlikable: she is intrinsically insincere.
“The problem with Hillary Clinton that you see in this is her, sort of intrinsic insincerity,” Krauthammer said. “She is continually crafting what she says, crafting what her position is going to be, crafting her conduct, to meet a certain perception.”
“And when you do that, day in and day out, either on a book tour or a campaign trail, or anywhere in public office, you trip up because you can’t remember the last confection, the last creation of yourself that you put together. Contrast it with a Ronald Reagan, who knew who he was, he didn’t have to think twice if he was asked about any issue when he spoke and he got it right because he was sincere in that way.”

Krauthammer is absolutely correct; beyond her policies, beyond her low moral character, Hillary is inherently unable to lead a nation because she, seemingly, lacks any real, true convictions.


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