They just affirm what many of us have already believed.
Citizen Journalist, Ryan Sorba recently went undercover in Palm Springs, California, posing as a same-sex marriage activist.
He asked the following question:
“Do you believe being gay is strictly genetic?”
The video enclosed in this email is a montage of clips from
interviews in which gays admit that they believe they are gay due
external circumstances, such as being sexually abused at an early age or
going through other traumatic experiences.
When asked how many interviews Sorba obtained during this venture, he answered, “There are many more to come.”
This video is a crucial component to the upcoming Supreme Court
marriage decision because it gives natural marriage proponents what they
need to neutralize any personal testimony that being gay is an
immutable characteristic such as race.
The video is particularly relevant because in all the past cases
in which the courts ruled in favor of overturning state Marriage
Amendments, which protected marriage as an institution between one man
and one woman, they did so by reasoning that being gay is on the same
footing as race and therefore protected by the Due Process Claus of the
14th Amendment. Specifically, they state the oft repeated claim
that, ‘gays are born that way’ in order to achieve Suspect Class Status
under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In order to be deemed a Suspect Class
under the Civil Rights Act a group must meet three criteria.
1. The group must have suffered a long history of discrimination
2. The group must be politically powerless to help themselves
3. The group must have been “born that way”
There is no scientific proof that people are ‘born gay.’ In order to argue that individuals are born that way lawyers
have relied on carefully selected personal testimonies. Carefully
selected personal testimonies can obviously rely on biased individuals
however who have ulterior motives. For this reason I decided to go
undercover to find out the truth from gays themselves. I was surprised
by how easy it was to get gays to talk openly about the fact that they
believe personal experiences were to blame and many of them stated that
they had been in love with a women or were originally attracted to women
until abuse occurred.
The video confirms that sexuality is not fixed like race or gender.
“That’s what we have known all along. The emotions are fluid.” Modern
behaviorist psychology has shown that the nervous system is a blank
slate. We can be conditioned to feel this way about that, or that way
about this. As can be seen in this video, being gay seems to have
something to do with unresolved emotional issues.
“I feel for the people interviewed in this video and wish the best
for them all. By way of this video, these people have been placed into
the cross-fire of the culture war, but I have no regrets. The truth in
this case is far too important for America. The truth had to come out of
the closet before the Supreme Court heard the case for Marriage on Tuesday. The institution of marriage is far more important than any one of us,” stated Sorba.
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